  • 學位論文

《新婚別》敘事曲研究 —由作品到社會、時代

指導教授 : 沈冬


《新婚別》二胡敘事曲完成於1980年代的大陸、首演於文化大革命結束後第一屆的【上海之春】,為文革後第一首成左漱j型二胡作品。本文透過對作曲家張曉峰與朱曉谷並演奏家閔惠芬的訪談彙整,各類資料的蒐集編撰,以及旋律、和聲的分析,將樂曲本身與時代背景予以緊密結合,希冀能夠勾勒出《新婚別》在音樂史中所具有的特殊意涵。 對《新婚別》的評價,本文以「對過去的總結」、「對未來的開拓」兩部分來說明: 在「對過去的總結」中,從作曲家借用杜詩《新婚別》和姜詞《鬲溪梅令》的手法來看,這不啻是對中國傳統文學的重整與認可;以《新婚別》的敘事內容來看,雖然作曲家具體描繪的對象是唐代的安史之亂,但是,內心深處其實隱喻著文革時期的社會動盪;八0年代的《新婚別》與六0年代的《梁祝》,分別為中式與西式的代表性作品,其中兩曲分別向民間、傳統音樂借鏡、創作出優美動人的旋律,這也顯示出經典樂曲多為集過去音樂之大成的特點。 在「對未來的開拓」中,從張曉峰採用《鬲溪梅令》為《新婚別》音樂主題並借用搖板的手法來看,兩者無疑地是將「古曲現代化」的獨到創新;而《新婚別》「敘事」與「言志」的特色,展現出作曲家身為知識分子,在時代變遷中企圖以音樂記錄史實發展作為民樂找出路的途徑,而這也是八0年代的協奏曲熱中,眾民樂作曲家所共有的集體意識之一。《新婚別》以開拓者之姿、率先踏出時代性創作思潮的第一步,在長度及樂團編制等量化的數字上,也位居當時二胡作品發展史之冠,在在彰顯出兩位作曲家力圖開創新局的鮮明意識;雖然《新婚別》以協奏曲型態的方式呈現,甚至後來作曲家也編寫交響樂團伴奏的版本,這些借鏡西方的創作手法,恐怕多少受到文革時期毛澤東對西方文化矛盾的崇拜所影響,不過,這仍舊不失為一項大膽的嘗試。


The erhu ballade Xin-Hun-Bie (“Parting of the Newly Weds”) was premiered in the first post-Cultural Revolution “Shanghai Spring Festival” in 1980 and was the first successful large-scale erhu concerto of that time. Through interviews with the composers Zhang Xiao-Feng and Zhu Xiao-Gu, the soloist Min Hui-Fen, and through historical and musical analyses, this study aims to put this work into the context of the post-Cultural Revolution era and assesses its musical and historical impacts. This work can be seen as both encapsulating the past and exploring the future. The use of the poems of Tu Fu and Jiang Kui is a reconfirmation of classical Chinese literature. And the original setting of that story, the rebellion of An Lun-shan (755), is a disguised criticism of the Cultural Revolution (1966–76). Like its westernized counterpart, the Butterfly Lovers violin concerto of the 1960s, Xin-Hun-Bie also incorporates many traditional Chinese musical features. On the other hand, the use of Jiang’s Ge-Xi-Mo-Ling as main melodic idea is an attempt in modernizing ancient materials. Carrying on the Chinese tradition of stressing art’s political and didactic functions, the composers of Xin-Hun-Bie exemplify the search of renewal among intellectuals of the post-Cultural Revolution era. In its mediation between history and the future, between artistic beauty and social critique, and not least in its sheer instrumental dimension and length, this work can be rightly seen as a pioneer work in the history of erhu music.


1970 《共匪歷次文藝「整風」真相》。台北:中國國民黨中央
1986 《做大戲》。台北:允晨文化實業股份有限公司。
1984 《杜甫詩研究》。台北:學海出版社。
Merriam, Alan P. The Anthropology of Music. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1964.
