  • 學位論文

中國西南區域整合戰略 —以大湄公河次區域合作為核心

The China`s Strategy of Regional Integration in Southwest Area—Focus on Greater Mekong Subregion Cooperation

指導教授 : 郝培芝


中國從改革開放至今,東部沿海地區由北至南,已形成了環渤海、長三角、珠三角三大經濟圈,但卻面臨國內東西部發展不均衡,及城鄉、貧富差距等問題,對中國國內整體發展帶來困境。因此,中國意識到帶動落後地區的繁榮是減緩國內矛盾衝突的辦法之一,同時也藉由全國整體性且均衡勢的區域發展,提昇綜合國力,逐步擴展在東亞區域的勢力,進而增加中國在國際中的地位。 在中國內外聯結戰略發展目標的實踐過程中,本研究觀察到「內外聯結」方法帶動了中國內外區域合作的發展戰略。中國在對內、對外發展政策上,皆是以「點」、「線」、「面」的戰略作法作為發展的一個基準點,再加上「四沿」戰略中的沿邊、沿線發展方式,逐步地向東南亞地區發展。在內外聯結戰略下的中國國內發展,配合中國國內政策的制定,以「引進來」、「走出去」的方式促進中國西南地區與東南亞各國的發展,並期待在引進外部國際因素下帶動西南地區的進步。在國外合作的過程中,則由各種的重點城市形成經濟走廊,並合作興建泛亞鐵路成為「線」的發展模式,以帶動週邊地區的發展,同時穩定大湄公河次區域合作計畫的有效落實,進一步的擴展至中國—東協自由貿易區的完成,即「面」的呈現。 中國與東南亞地區的合作方式與內容眾多,而本研究將以大湄公河次區域合作作為研究核心,並連結「內外聯結」戰略,探討中國在參與大湄公河次區域合作的過程中,對中國西南區域整合戰略發展的影響。


The reform and open policy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have facilitated the development of three largest economic zones—the Pearl River delta, the Yangtze River delta, and the Bohai Rim from the north to the south at the eastern coastal area. The PRC, on the other hand, faces the unequal development domestically. Therefore, the PRC government has to defuse such a potential economic crisis and engage in developing the inner-mainland of China. Together with the four-follow strategy, the PRC government adopts the strategy of point-line-area to improve regional economic development. On the internal, foreign development policies in China, is all with the strategy of point-line-area as a datum point of development, and combine with the four-follow strategy, the way of the side and line development, develop to Southeast Asia progressively. Under the approach of interior-exterior combination of the development in China, cooperate with the constitution of the policies in China, promote the development of southwest of China with the way of in and out, expecting to drive the advancement of southwest under the international factors. In the process of cooperating with foreign countries, forming the economic corridor by various kinds of key cities and cooperating to build railway become the way of line, in order to drive the development of the surrounding area. Steady cooperative program of Mekong River effectively and the achievement of China to ASEAN Free Trade Area, namely the appearance of area. Cooperative way and content in China and Southeast Asia are numerous and this research will regard the cooperation of Mekong River as the core of studying. Connecting with the approach of interior-exterior combination, conferring the effect of combining approach development to the southwest area of China in the process of cooperating with Mekong River.


呂育馨、吳明澤,〈中國十一五規劃促進區域協調發展的理想與實現〉,《經濟前瞻》,第110 期,2007/3,頁66-68。


