  • 學位論文


Knowledge, Attitude and Willingness toward Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) among Public AED Program Managers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 簡國龍
共同指導教授 : 馬惠明(Huei-Ming Ma)


研究背景與目的:台灣在2013年法規公告設置有自動體外心臟電擊去顫器(AED)之公共場所須指派「AED管理員」,負責AED的資訊登錄、日常管理維護、使用後通報等作業,並須定期接受CPR+AED急救訓練及管理員訓練,但目前未有相關研究針對AED管理員進行探討。本研究目的為瞭解我國AED管理員對於公共場所設置自動體外心臟電擊去顫器之相關知識、態度、施救意願與政策執行意願,並探討其相關影響因素。 研究方法:本橫斷式研究針對已在「公共場所AED急救資訊網」登錄註冊的AED管理員為對象,利用所登錄之電子信箱寄發自行編製之結構式問卷進行調查。問卷內容包含基本資料、公共場所設置自動體外心臟電擊去顫器之相關知識(包含急救知識與法規政策知識)、態度、意願(包含施救意願與政策執行意願),共42題。 研究結果:共回收1405份有效問卷(回覆率37%)。受訪者有83.4%參加過AED管理員訓練課程,工作場所制定有緊急醫療事件應變流程者占84.6%。相較於法規政策知識(92%),受訪者對於急救知識的答對率較低(83%)。91.6%願意對陌生人施行CPR或使用AED急救,僅68.7%願意擔任AED管理員執行相關政策。影響施救意願或政策執行意願的主因皆為「害怕承擔施救過失造成的法律責任」。急救知識越佳者,對於態度反應越正向(β=0.55±0.12,p<0.001),進而有較佳的施救意願(OR=1.35,95%CI=1.27~1.43,p<0.001)。針對政策執行意願之相關影響因子迴歸模型,工作場所制定有緊急應變流程者,其政策執行意願為未制定者的2.19倍(95% CI=1.50~3.20,p<0.001)。 結論:工作場所制定有緊急醫療事件應變流程的受訪者,對於CPR+AED的知識、態度、意願皆越佳。在管理員相關課程中加強急救知識,並鼓勵定期參與及更新相關急救課程資訊,對於態度與意願皆有顯著影響。


Background: In Taiwan, certain public locations are required by law to install public automatic external defibrillators (AED) since 2013. Each public AED site should designate a manager to oversee AED registration/maintenance, education, and incident report. This study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude, and willingness of AED managers toward CPR+AED. Methods: This cross-sectional study is launched by emailing those AED managers who registered in the "Taiwan Public AED Registry" website with structured questionnaire. This instrument includes demographics; as well as knowledge, attitude and willingness toward CPR+AED practices and policies. Results: Overall 3810 managers were contacted and 1405 (37%) responded. A total of 83.4% participants completed manager course and 84.6% public places had site emergency plan. Knowledge on regulation and policy (92%) was higher than CPR+AED (83%). Willingness to perform CPR+AED (91.6%) was high, but to perform manager duty was less (68.7%). Fear of legal liability is the main reason for not willingness to perform CPR+AED or perform manager duty. The better knowledge on CPR+AED contributed to more positive attitude(β=0.55±0.12,p<0.001),thus enhanced higher willingness to perform CPR+AED(OR=1.35,95%CI=1.27~1.43,p<0.001). In working places with site emergency plan, the willing to perform manager duty is 2.19 times to those without it(95% CI=1.50~3.20,p<0.001). Conclusion: Site emergency plan for cardiac arrests is associated with better knowledge, attitude, and willingness among AED managers in Taiwan, who play pivotal roles in program success. More frequent and updated training, especially on CPR+AED as well as AED laws, could translate into better attitude and willingness.


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