  • 學位論文


Indoor Climate Control and Parameter Design of Intelligentized Chicken House

指導教授 : 陳佳堃


雞蛋為國人攝取蛋白質主要來源之一,而雞蛋品質與雞隻健康狀態息息相關。雞舍熱環境不僅會影響到雞隻產蛋表現也是影響雞隻健康狀態的關鍵,雞隻勞動條件不佳,將導致雞蛋品質下降,此時若是人類食用到品質不佳的雞蛋就可能產生不良健康影響產生食安問題,因此雞舍內部環境控制極為重要。 密閉式水簾雞舍為現行我國蛋雞飼養環境之一,在位處亞熱帶夏季高溫多濕的臺灣此種飼養方式相較於開放式雞舍不易受到外界環境影響。然而隧道式的設計在長度方面會有尾端高溫累積的問題,導致位於雞舍末端靠近風機處,雞隻的犧牲數量高、靠近水簾端產蛋量少的問題。為了在達到最大飼養量與室內環境的舒適之間找到平衡並解決末端溫度累積問題,本研究欲藉由調整風扇數目及風速來了解密閉式水簾雞舍內部的速度及溫度場分布。 本研究以實際水濂式雞舍尺寸建模並採用計算流體力學 (Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)的方式進行模擬。透過數值模擬,得知流場內各位置的速度和溫度分布。研究分別設計了三種風扇數目和五種抽氣速度共15種搭配,分別了解其溫度速度分布後建立關係方程式並進行雞隻體感溫度計算。 模擬結果發現,Model 1,除了抽氣速度Vs = 2 m/s外皆可將溫度範圍控制在25°C -26 °C內;比較 Model 2及 Model 3,同樣開啟四方風扇之下,Model 3 有更好的控溫表現,將雞籠內溫度控制於26 °C以下。而以風扇風速預測雞籠平均環境溫度的直線和二次迴歸方程式已建立,其R2值均大於0.88,代表在一定的範圍下,抽氣速度越高,雞籠平均環境溫度會越低。 預測方程式可供未來雞舍環控系統發展用。為了滿足雞隻正常生產所需的溫度環境,雞舍採用研究所建立具可信度的抽氣速度-雞籠平均環境溫度迴歸方程式,調整風扇風速來下降雞籠環境溫度。


The quality of egg is associated with the health conditions of the hens. Thus, it becomes important to control the inside of layer house environment. The closed-type water-pad chicken house is one of the main environment for husbandry of hens. However, the tunneling design could accumulate temperatures at the rear of the poultry house. In order to solve the temperature accumulation problem, this study aims to adjust the number and the velocity of the fans to find out the velocity and temperature field of closed-type water-pad poultry houses. This study simulates and calculates the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with the model using real water-pad layer house. Combination of three numbers of fans and five kinds of velocity is designed in the study to know the distribution of temperature and velocity fields, establish the formula of the relationship, and calculate the apparent temperature of the hens. According to the simulation, Model 1, except for the ventilation velocity is 2 m/s, could control the room temperature inside 25°C -26 °C. Comparing Model 2 with Model 3, better performance in controlling cage temperature under 26 °C for Model 3 with the same amount of the fans. The linear regression equation as well as quadratic regression equation for prediction of the average room temperature has been established by using the amount of fans and the velocity of ventilation. The value of R2 is greater than 0.88, which means the average temperature will be cooler inside the cage when the ventilation velocity is faster within a range. To satisfy the room temperature for hens to lay eggs normally, using the regression equation with reliability established by the research is recommended to decrease the cage temperature by adjusting the fan velocity.


Indoor climate control Chicken cages CFD


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勤億蛋品科技. 蛋雞飼養型式介紹. Available from: https://tw.chinyieggs.com/library/17/.
