  • 學位論文


An Assessment on Environmental Effects of Dedicated Bus Lane

指導教授 : 張學孔


近十年來,由於機動車輛數目大幅成長,致使運輸使用能源佔總能源使用的比重日益增加,尤其在都會地區,低效率的運輸方式已經對環境產生負面的影響,其不僅造成嚴重的交通擁塞問題,且排放大量的空氣污染物。據環保署估計,台灣地區空氣污染有42.07%來自移動性污染源,其中機車、汽車各佔16.97%及24.83%。在社會大眾環保意識的覺醒下,運輸活動所引發的空氣污染及能源消耗問題逐漸受到重視,同時也成為環保及交通主管單位努力改善的目標。 國內外各大城市在其交通政策白皮書中均提到發展大眾運輸、提高大眾運輸工具使用率是交通施政的重點,在此前提下,運用低成本、易執行之「公車專用道」(Dedicated Bus Lane)策略來疏通都市擁擠之車流並進一步抑制私人機動車輛持續成長是勢在必行的方法之一。 過去國內外對於公車專用道的相關研究,多著墨在探討公車專用道之容量分析、安全問題、旅行時間、公車營運績效與服務水準等;而在環境效益方面則較少評估。就都市環境之永續發展而言,因公車行駛速率之提昇所減少的能源消耗與污染排放,與其他私人運具移轉至公車系統之相對效益,亦值得作一評估比較,以期提昇社會整體效益。 因此,本研究係針對運輸走廊建立評估模式,以分析公車專用道之設立對於能源消耗與污染排放之影響。除了評估設置公車專用道對公車車流之耗油及污染排放的影響外,也希望了解設置公車專用道對於整體運輸走廊的環境績效。 本研究以台北市為案例,針對運輸走廊、公車路線及台北市公車路線評估其能源消耗與污染排放量之改變。其中若單就公車行駛於單一公車專用道上之效益而言,對於能源消耗與各污染物之排放均達到減量之具體成效,在燃油效益上高達20.87%,而污染排上上可減少一氧化碳16.26%、碳氫化合物11.4%、氮氧化物8.22%;但就整體而言,台北市設置公車專用道所產生之環境效益雖受到其他私人運具之高使用率影響而有所減少,但其每日燃油消耗仍可減少約4.48%,每年則可節省約4.2億燃油成本,而再污染排放方面的效益係可減少一氧化碳3.98%、碳氫化合物3.16%以及氮氧化物2.59%。當公車專用道設置比例愈高,對於整體能源消耗與污染物的排放量有著十分顯著的效果,因此顯示當公車專用道路網愈趨完善時,將有助於都會區能源使用與空氣污染的改善。


For the reason of substantial increase in automobile in this decade, the ratio of using energy in transportation section is growing up, especially in the urban area. The inefficiency transportation modes had caused the negative influence on environment. It has caused serious problems not only in traffic jam, but also in discharging a large number of air pollutants. According to the estimation of Taiwan Environment Protection Administration (EPA), there are 42.08% air pollutants originated in vehicle emission, in which 16.97% caused by motorcycles and 24.83% are caused by automobiles. Under the awakening of environmental protection by the gerneral public, the problems in air pollution and energy consumption caused by traffic activities are more and more crucial, and simultaneously, they have become the goals that environment protection and transportation authorities are devoted to improvement. The white paper of transportation strategy of various cities has specifically noted that the keys of transportation strategies are the development of public transportation and the increase usage of public transportation. Under this objective, using low cost and easy application of dedicated bus lane strategies to allivate traffic jam and then restrain the growth of automobiles, is one of the promising alternatives. In the past, researches in dedicated bus lane are mostly focused on capacity analysis, safety evaluation, travel time improvement, and service level assessment; however, there is a lack of estimation in the aspect of environmental benefits. In the sense of sustainable development of urban environment, it’s worthy to compare and estimate the effects of dedicated bus lane on energy consumption and pollution discharge, and on shifting private modes to bus system. We establish estimation model to analyze energy consumption and pollution discharge with and without implementing dedicated bus lane. In addition to estimate the effects of dedicated bus lane on the fuel consumption and pollution discharge, we have also explored the environmental benefits of for whole city area with implementation of dedicated bus lane. In the numberical analysis, we take Taipei as an example while different scenarios are assumed in terms of single bus route, bus corridor, and overall system. For the single bus route case, it was found that fuel efficiency can be increased to 20.87% while emissions of CO, HC, and NOx are reduced by 16.26%, 11.4%, and 8.22%, respectively. For the overall system level, although the benifts of dedicated bus lane are comparatively less due to existing high usage of automobiles, it is still found that daily fuel consumption of bus system can be reduced about 4.48% after implementing dedicated bus lane in Taipei. This implies a total amount of US$14 million saving in fuel cost per year. The emission reductions of CO, HC, and NOx are mearsured as 3.98%, 3.16%, and 2.59%, respectively. This research has also verified that the environmental benefits will be remarkably increased when the network of dedicated bus lane is expanded.


3. 台北市政府交通局(1996),「公車專用道實施前後之公車營運調查」。
4. 台北市政府交通局(1999),「台北市交通空氣污染改善減量成效評估計畫」。
5. 台北市政府交通局(1999),「台北市交通統計年報」。
6. 台北市政府交通局(2000),「臺北市公車專用道之規劃與實施檢討報告」。
28. 鼎華科技股份有限公司(1999),「中小型公車路線規劃與空氣污染減量之研究規劃」,台北市政府交通局。


