  • 學位論文


Application of GSM Technology to Remote Agricultural Information Monitoring System

指導教授 : 江昭皚


為因應精準農業之潮流,以配合農業精密化、資訊化之發展,本文應用機電整合技術,結合全球衛星定位資訊與GSM-SMS無線傳輸技術,研製一套自動偵測田間資料之遠距農業資訊監測系統。本系統由田間偵測平台與系統主控平台兩大部分組成。田間偵測平台以模組化概念設計各環境感測模組,包含現場環境蟲害、溫度、濕度、風速、地理位置等偵測元件,以低功率16 bit RISC微處理機MSP430-F449進行系統資料整合。主控系統平台主體為一套具親和力人機操控介面之軟體系統,其發展以Visual Basic 6.0軟體作為GUI開發環境,提供操作簡易的圖形化視窗,可執行資料庫建立,即時性控制,與發佈偵測資訊等功能。田間偵測平台與系統主控平台間的資訊無線傳輸與溝通控制由GSM簡訊服務技術完成。因此,本文提出應用GSM簡訊服務的通訊架構,包括簡訊封包格式設計與驗證,以提高資料得取的即時性。以小菜蛾為偵測對象,完成雛形系統硬體實作,進行系統整合與性能測試。經由田間實地測試,各感測模組元件皆能在開放環境下正確操作,其中MSP之資料整合正確率達97.77%,有良好的統整性。本文所應用之SMS機制,能不受地域、時間及外部資源之限制,達到資料傳遞之目的,並經多點傳輸性能驗證,SMS具100%的資料傳輸正確性,還具有良好的加密性,保障資料的內容與結構的完整。由實驗數據顯示,傳送相距幾十或幾百公里外的資料僅在30∼60餘秒內便可獲得,且資料單向傳送最短只需10∼15秒。實驗期間簡訊重傳率為2.67%,重傳傳送成功率100%,保證簡訊傳送確實的傳遞性。將無線通訊GSM技術應用於農業資訊上,其訊號涵蓋全台,更能擴大資料傳遞之活動範圍,更加迅速獲得環境資訊,有效地取代過去舊時人力資源耗費的量測作法,大大提高資料收集的效益。本系統之模組化設計,配合具備強大統合性的MSP微處理器,亦可依農場栽植管理之不同需求更換感測物件模組,適用於各種田間資料收集。


In considering the trends for attaining and utilizing precision agriculture to coordinate with the developments of precise and computerizable agriculture industry, this research uses mechatronic instruments in conjunction with Global Positioning System (GPS) and GSM-SMS wireless communication technique to establish a remote agricultural information monitoring system that can be used to detect the field experimental data automatically. This proposed system is consisted of two components, a remote field-monitoring platform and a host control platform. The remote field-monitoring platform was designed based on module concept comprising of different sensing modules used as field experimental detecting devices to detect factors such as the number of captured pest, temperature, humidity, wind speed, geographical location, etc. A low power 16 bit RISC microcontroller MSP430-F449 was used to integrate the collected data and performing the preliminary analysis. Rather, the host control system has a friendly man-machine interface and uses Visual Basic 6.0 as a development environment for graphical user interface (GUI). This GUI development system provides an easy-to-use graphical window for establishing database, executing real control and broadcasting monitoring information. Also, the wireless transmission, communication and control are carried out by GSM short message service between these two platforms. Therefore, this thesis presents a system using the communication architecture of GSM-SMS technique including the form of packet and the confirmation of transmission using GSM-SMS to enhance the immediateness of the acquisition of the field experimental data. Taking diamondback moth as a detecting sample, this work fulfilled functions and integration of the proposed system as a prototype system. According to the living test done in the field, all sensing modules can work properly at outdoor and the accuracy of the integrated data is up to 97.77% by using the MSP430-F449 processor, which is considered as having excellent integrity. The SMS can procure the purpose of data transmission without the restriction on region, time, and resource. SMS technology can guarantee a 100% accuracy of data transmission in addition to a crypto-system (public key) used to conceal and protect the data contents. As these experimental data suggest, the remote control data conveyance using the designed system requires 30~60 seconds only to transmit data locating tens or hundreds of kilometers away from control center. As for one-way transmission the data just takes 10~15 seconds to be completed. During experiment, the message conveyance proves a success rate of 100% and a 2.67% rate of repeat transmission to guarantee certain transferences. To recapitulate, applying the GSM wireless communication technology can expand the range of data communication and get environmental information forward rapidly on data acquisition. It is effective to replace the old-fashioned measuring custom and to greatly enhance the efficiency of data acquisition. More importantly, applying wireless communication GSM technology to acquire agricultural information can expand the scope of activities in that the data transmission can explore to the area containing the entire Taiwan. Because of the design of using module concept along with the powerfulness of integrating MSP430-F449 microcontroller in our system, the sensing modules can be replaced due to demands of the field cultivation management. Thus, the proposed system is suitable for various agriculture applications in field data acquisition and analysis.


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