  • 學位論文


The Optimal Deployment of Front-End System in Distance-Based ETC System on Freeway

指導教授 : 張學孔


高速公路實施新一代結合衛星定位與無線通訊之電子收費系統(Electronic Toll Collection, ETC)可降低收費及管理成本、提高運輸能量、減少收費站延誤、提昇行車效率,同時降低車輛減速停等所帶來之油耗與空氣污染。此外,透過ETC及車載機所獲得行車資訊配合旅行時間預估技術,可以提供用路人更可靠、準確動態及時路況以及行車路線導引功能。再者,早期規劃設計構想,高速公路在都會區仍扮演地區快速道路功能,因而目前高速公路使用車輛中,有將近50%~55%的車輛並未付費,形成極不公平的現象。電子收費建置後可逐步達到依里程收費、落實公平付費之目標,同時可提供路網動態資訊並運用依時間與擁擠度調配之擁擠定價策略,使整體路網發揮最大功能。由此觀之,ETC結合無線通訊與衛星定位新一代VPS之系統建置,絕不僅是收付費的自動化,而是結合通訊、資訊與控制技術,達到先進交通管理的整合方法。 本研究係在民間BOT型式建構國道VPS-ETC收費系統之假設下,該VPS-ETC針對未來ETC系統依里程收費之前端系統進行探討。系統包涵VPS車機系統、GPS衛星定位、GPRS網路通訊平台及VPS-ETC扣款伺服器等系統單元。研究中在考量各區平均旅次長度,基於使用者付費的原則,考量不同車種及不同旅次繳交通行費符合道路收費之公平原則下,將無線通訊技術的服務範圍及通訊成本予以納入營運成本進行分析,同時在營運者成本最小的目標下,來求解電子收費依里程收費之蜂巢式通訊區和無線通訊基地台佈設數量。研究中並依系統建置、佈設之進程,探討如何以電子收費之推行逐步達到里程收費之目標。


Implementation of advanced ETC system which combines wireless communication and VPS(Vehicle Positioning System)can not only be tolling automatically but also integrate the communication, information and control technologies to achieve the goal of Advanced Traffic Management System(ATMS). After operation of the ETC, freeway users can pay tolls without stopping their vehicles and without using cash in an excellent toll collection environment. This will raise the overall quality of service, save energy, and reduce emission. Moreover, in cooperation with future IT and Telematics development, the electronic toll collection system will be integrated into the ETTM system(Electronic Toll & Transportation Management)for electronic payment of tolls and the Intelligent Transportation System. This research aims to explore the optimal configuration of front-end system of ETC, in which a private company has been running the system based on a BOT approach. It is also assumed that the distance-based VPS-ETC has been implemented and it combines the VPS-OBU, GPS, GPRS-GSM network and the VPS-ETC server, etc. Base on the principle of the “User Pay”, the study considers the different vehicle type and trip length, this research includes the wireless communication technology and communication cost into the operation cost. Minimum operation cost is the objective to solve the optimization of deployment for front-end communication zones for distance-based VPS-ETC system.


Vehicle Positioning System ETC GPRS-GSM


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