  • 學位論文


Name Brand and Generic brand Competition:The Optimal Position for Store Brand under Channel’s Cooperation Strategy

指導教授 : 周雍強


近年來代工產業正面臨微利時代,許多中小廠商紛紛轉向建立自有品牌,又 稱副廠品牌(Generic Brand),以力求轉型,企圖與領導廠商之正廠品牌(Name Brand)來相互競爭。過去正廠通常被顧客定位為高品質、高價位的品牌,而副廠則被認定為品質略低,價格略低的產品,而近年來隨著副廠的品質、服務水準日漸提升,副廠產品逐漸在市場上被顧客重視,但由於正廠擁有強勢且穩固的市場地位,副廠品牌發展不易,難以與之直接競爭。然而在此同時,近來許多零售商興起了一股自有品牌的風氣,相繼利用自身的通路優勢與低價策略來發展零售商品牌(Store Brand),企圖爭取產品市場的利潤空間,因此副廠正好可利用此機會介入,藉由與零售商合作來發展零售商品牌,以此獲取更多利潤來與正廠競爭。 因此本研究將探討副廠的競爭策略,副廠將與零售商聯手合作來發展零售商 品牌,幫其進行生產與產品定位。首先我們將依此建立正副廠品牌競爭的需求模型,在進一步建構出零售商品牌最佳化定位模型,以證明在某些情況下副廠與零售商合作策略的可行性並分析所帶來之效益。 經過分析後證實副廠與零售商在一些市場環境下合作,可達到雙贏的結果。 當GB 與SB 市場力量小時,副廠應採取SB 差異化定位來避免通路上的競爭;而當GB 與SB 市場力量大且SB 力量大於GB 時,SB 應採取模仿NB 並與GB 定位的差異策略。


Recently, the advantage of original equipment manufacturers won’t exist anymore.Therefore, many manufacturers try to keep their manufacture and develop their private brands at the same time in order to find a way for surviving and compete with Name Brand. Name brand products are usually positioned with a high-quality and high-price value, while Generic Brand products are set with lower prices with lower quality.However, even the quality and the service level of generic brand products have been improving recently so that generic brand products are getting more valuable to customers, but it’s still hard to compete with name brand directly. At the same time,many retailers try to use their powerful channel to develop their own brand (Store Brand), attempt to share market profit margins. Therefore, generic brands can take these chances to compete with name brand more advantageous. Therefore, this paper discusses the competitive strategy of generic brand. We assumed that generic brand will cooperate with retailer to develop store brand, help its production and product positioning. According to these assumptions, first we will construct a base demand model for name brand and generic brand. Second, an optimization program is constructed for optimizing store brand’s position strategy to show the feasibility of cooperation strategy. After analysis, we prove that the cooperation of generic brand and retailer can achieve win-win situation. When SB and GB are in weak market power, SB has to adopt a differentiation positioning strategy. When SB and GB are in stronger market power and SB is stronger than GB, SB has to adopt an NB imitation and GB differentiation positioning strategy.


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