  • 學位論文


Reengineering of Procurement System-A Case Study of IDM Company in IC Industry

指導教授 : 柯承恩


台灣半導體產業自1966年美商通用儀器(General Instruments)在高雄設廠開始,歷經四十餘年的發展,已形成以專業分工為主的產業價值鏈。根據IEK(2007)半導體工業年鑑指出,2006年台灣IC產品產值已達6,523億新台幣。近年來,市場變化快速,消費性電子產品日新月異,價格持續下滑,使得IC產品的生命週期也隨著縮短,且遭受到同樣的降價壓力,帶給半導體產業極大的衝擊。為了能夠取得更佳的競爭優勢,企業於是致力於縮短交期時間、降低成本與提昇品質。 在企業的所有活動中,「採購」扮演相當重要的角色,因為採購成本通常佔其企業所有支出的一半以上,是影響企業的獲利率與競爭力的重要因素之一。採購的作業流程冗長且繁雜,如何整合如此複雜的採購流程,以提升企業採購的效率、降低採購成本及庫存,同時維持原物料的供應及品質,並快速滿足企業需求,進而降低企業整體營運成本,增加利潤便成為一個重要的課題。 本論文之研究主題,主要探討半導體產業IDM廠M公司在激烈的競爭環境中,如何透過流程再造之觀念及手法,成功地改造既有之採購系統,以作為業界在進行採購系統流程再造的參考。


採購系統 流程再造 半導體


More than 4 decades developing from GI (General Instruments)’s Kaohsiung Fab build up in 1966, it formed a strong specialized industry value chain for Taiwan semiconductor industry. According IEK 2007 statistics, the total production value of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry in 2006 reached about NT$652.3 billion. Recently, the highly competitive electronics marketplace demands that suppliers provide low-cost, high-quality products to their customers in a timely fashion. Shortened product life cycles and increasingly global competition have caused manufacturers to focus on their company core competencies, such as product design and development, choosing to outsource the actual manufacturing of their products to contract manufacturers. Ideally, enterprise resource planning (ERP) seeks to streamline and integrate operation processes and information flow within a company. ERP system implementation involves a much broader scope and in-depth consideration within an organization as a whole. This paper aims to establish a conceptual framework of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for design-build procurement process to improve effective and efficiency, control cost and inventory with the quality and stability, lean whole operational cost and maintain organization profitability. We also studied “M” company as benchmark to explain process reengineering through procurement system.


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