  • 學位論文


The Study of Life Adjustment of Taiwanese Expatriates in Mainland China -Taking Kun Shan Area For Example

指導教授 : 陳明通


我國產業到中國大陸設廠日漸增加。鑒於中國大陸的經營管理與技術專業人才較不足,當台商到中國大陸投資時,為了要讓公司營運順利上軌道,經營可以獲利,都會派遣優秀的管理人才進駐大陸,對於派駐大陸地區的台籍幹部來說,從台灣到大陸地區的上班環境,也就是文化變遷的不同,所以會帶來不同生活環境的適應問題。 透過本研究,瞭解台籍幹部對於崑山地區文化差異認知與評價,對於其在崑山地區生活適應的影響。本研究欲探討的文化差異認知與評價分為人文面的認知與評價、社會(僅針對治安和經濟)的評價、經濟面的認知與評價;另外,在生活適應部份,主要探討台籍幹部在一般適應、互動適應和工作適應三個方面,進而綜合為整體生活適應。 本研究根據量化研究的特點,在資料的蒐集方法主要以問卷調查法與文獻分析法。本研究結果發現,台籍幹部對於崑山地區人文面的認知、評價愈高,則整體生活適應愈好;台籍幹部對於崑山地區治安方面的評價愈高,則整體生活適應愈好;台籍幹部對於崑山地區政治面的認知、評價愈高,則整體生活適應愈好。然而,台籍幹部對於崑山地區經濟方面的評價,對於整體生活適應並無產生顯著差異,也就是說對於崑山地區經濟方面評價的優劣,對於台籍幹部的生活適應不具有正向的影響關係。整體來說,台籍幹部對於崑山地區文化差異認知與評價,對於其當地的生活適應是會產生顯著影響的關係。


台商 台籍幹部 生活適應


Currently, more and more industries go to Mainland China for business developing. And many Taiwanese had chosen to work in Mainland China rather than staying at their hometown. Therefore, we need to pay more attention about the group of Taiwanese expatriates in Mainland China. They may bring about some problems regarding cognition and evaluation of local culture in Mainland China. The subject of this thesis is to investigate life adjustment of Taiwanese expatriates in Kun Shan Mainland China in the light of cognition and evaluation of local culture. The aspect of local culture in Kun Shan Mainland China contains cognition and evaluation of culture, society (public security and economy) and politics. The aspect of life adjustment contains general, communicate and job adjustment. The study is formed based on literature review and questionnaire investigation. The results of this thesis are as follow: 1.When Taiwanese expatriates have better cognition and evaluation of culture, their life adjustment are better in Kun Shan Mainland China. 2. When Taiwanese expatriates have better evaluation of society, their life adjustment are better in Kun Shan Mainland China (Subdivide society part, we found the certainty had strongly related to public security, but not in economy). 3. When Taiwanese expatriates have better cognition and evaluation of politics, their life adjustment are better in Kun Shan Mainland China. In conclusion, this study discovered that the factor of cognition and evaluation of local culture in Kun Shan Mainland China does exist positive correlation for life adjustment to Taiwanese expatriates.


吳萬益、譚大純(民88),〈海外派遣人員甄選標準與其效果之知覺一致性分析--以海峽兩岸臺、美、日資企業外派人員為實證對象〉,《臺大管理論叢》, 9:2,頁33-67。
孫玉融(民94),〈淺談外派人員的甄選、訓練與安置〉,《品質月刊》,41:11 ,頁88-90。
黃國隆、黃敏萍、蔡啟通、陳惠芳 (民88),〈臺商派駐大陸合資企業之管理人員的生活適應與該合資企業的人力資源管理〉,《臺大管理論叢》,9:2,頁1-32。
