  • 學位論文


Influences of Using Instant Messaging at Work on Personal Task Performance:A Case Study of Taipei City’s Beitou and Shihlin District Police Station

指導教授 : 辛炳隆




The purpose of this study is to examine the influences of using instant messaging at work on policemen in Taiwan, and whether the work interruption and workload that using instant messaging made have meditation effect to policemen personal job performance. For this paper, multiple Linear regression analysis was conducted in an empirical study with following findings:(1)policemen using instant messaging at work can enhanced personal job performance;(2)policemen using instant messaging at work couldn’t make work interruption;(3)policemen using instant messaging at work could make workload;(4)work interruption and workload can enhanced task performance of policeman;(5)work interruption and workload could not affect contextual performance of policeman;(6)work interruption and workload that policemen using instant messaging made didn’t have meditation effect to affect personal job performance.


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