  • 學位論文


Resistance of Oxygen Transfer in Activated Sludge Flocs

指導教授 : 李篤中


在本論文中,由萃取細胞間質(ECPs)並利用染色結果及 螢光原位雜交法(FISH) / 共軛焦雷射掃描顯微鏡(CLSM)法可以將膠羽分為三類:(一) 具有大量ECPs球狀膠羽,細菌分佈在膠羽外圍、(二)不具ECPs之片狀膠羽,細菌均勻分佈、以及(三)存在ECPs之片狀膠羽,細菌均勻分佈。比較統計膠羽數目及體積百分比結果,可知污泥冷藏能夠提升ECPs含量,且增加存在ECPs片狀膠羽數目百分比。 由微電極實驗結果可知,供給膠羽葡萄糖養分可減少膠羽內部質傳阻力以及增加外部質傳阻力,並且對不同狀態之污泥產生不同之影響。冷藏方式易使得膠羽內部細菌死亡,反應並無一定趨勢;持續曝氣但未添加營養鹽之膠羽,當接觸到碳源會有急遽耗氧反應產生;而持續曝氣並添加營養鹽(無碳源)的膠羽,當接觸到碳源時耗氧反應較為緩慢;對於持續曝氣並提供各式營養的膠羽,內部細菌再後續添加葡萄糖時無明顯耗氧反應產生。


污泥 微電極 膠羽


In this study, we can identify flocs three kinds by the results include, Extracelluar polymers (ECPs)-extraction, dying with different stains, and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization/ Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (FISH/CLSM) method. 1. Sphere flocs with a lot of ECPs is filled inside, and domain bacterium is full outside. 2. Slice flocs with ECPs and domain bacterium is spread out uniformly. 3. Slice flocs with domain bacterium but without ECPs is distributed uniformly. The results also demonstrated that refrigerating sludge can improve ECPs weight percentage and slice flocs amount with ECPs. Based on the result of microelectrode-experiment, the glucose-test can decrease the inner mass transfer resistance and increase the outer mass transfer resistance. During glucose-test, oxygen-consuming degree might change with different sludge. For refrigerated flocs, oxygen-consuming degree may be different from each other. This pretreatment can cause the death of the bacterium in the floc, and there is no same trend of the oxygen-consuming reaction. For aerated flocs, oxygen-consuming speed is very fast. For aerated flocs immersed in nutrient (ie, no carbon source), oxygen-consuming speed is very slow. For aerated flocs immersed in nutrient and glucose liquid, there is no oxygen consuming reaction.


floc sludge microelectrode


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