  • 學位論文


Establishing Competitiveness Index for Taiwan District

指導教授 : 劉順仁


本研究主要目的在以嚴謹的方法建立評估台灣縣市競爭力的指標系統。本指標系統強調與國際接軌,期望帶給地方政府施政之參考,提供建議使企業與政府透過良性互動來提升地區競爭力。 本研究對於競爭力之界定乃參考哈佛商學院教授波特(Michael Porter)之定義,將競爭力定位在「財富的創造」,以平均每人每年可支配所得作為競爭力之衡量。在此定義之下,競爭力評比指標之選取除了衡量縣市經濟企業發展外,政府效率、環境建設、社會人文與科技創新等創造各縣市財富的指標亦納入考量,以期能建構一完整的衡量系統。而評比資料則選取於主計處所公布的客觀統計資料為主,其他官方統計數據為輔。 本研究之研究方法利用簡單線性迴歸分析篩選變數,因素分析法決定指標權重與計算積分,複迴歸分析探討各構面積分對競爭力的解釋能力。本研究分析結果發現,在無嚴重共線性下,R平方為84%,有相當高之解釋能力。政府效率與環境建設於競爭力具有顯著解釋能力。根據本研究初步評估結果,2005年縣市評比排名前5名分別為:台北市、台北縣、台中市、高雄市與新竹市;最後5名分別為:屏東縣、雲林縣、澎湖縣、台東縣以及嘉義縣。整體看來,縣市競爭力評比北、中、南主要都市均有不錯成績,而排名較後面的是東部、南部及外島地區如花蓮縣、屏東縣、澎湖縣、台東縣等地,是目前整體競爭力相對較弱的地方。 本研究提供政府如何改善劣勢,發展自身優勢,以提升競爭力。由於受限於資源與時間的限制,本研究對於指標選取的完善程度、樣本數的不足以及研究方法均有待加強改善。


縣市競爭力 競爭力指標 因素分析 IMD WEF


The main purpose of this research is to establish competitiveness index for cities and counties in Taiwan. The research provides suggestions for governments and enterprises to promote regional competitiveness through friendly interactions. Regional competitiveness analyzes the facts and policies that shape the ability of a county government to create and maintain an environment that sustains more value creation for its enterprises and more prosperity for its people. This research refers to Professor Michael Porter from the Harvard Business School for the definition of competitiveness as “creation of fortune,” measuring it by the annual controllable income per capita. Based on analysis made by leading scholars and by national conditions, the research provides 33 criteria, grouped into five competitive factors, “Economic and Business Performance” and “Government Efficiency”, “Environment and Infrastructure”, ” Society and Humanity ” and “Technology and Innovation”, and aggregates data for a 4-year period. The research is based primarily on hard statistical data drawn form Directorate-General of budget, accounting and statistics and complemented by other official statistics. The methodology of this research is to sift relevant variables by simple linear regression analysis, to decide weights and calculate integration by factor analysis, and to interpret whether the results suggest a positive relationship between the integration of five factors and the annual controllable income per capita by multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicate that adjusted R square is 80% without the problem of multicollinearity. Individually the coefficients of the integration of the factors “Government Efficiency” and “Environment and Infrastructure” are statistically significant but other coefficients are not. This research shows that the top five cities of 2005 competitiveness evaluation are Taipei City, Taipei County, Taichung City, Kaohsiung City, and Hsinchu City; the bottom five cities are Pingtung County, Yunlin County, Penghu County, Taitung County, and Chiayi County. Overall, the major cities have satisfactory results while on the other hand, some counties in the east, south, and peripheral islands, such as Hualien, Pingtung, Penghu, and Taitung, have relatively weaker competitiveness. This study provides the government with advices on how to modify the weaknesses and develop the advantages to promote the competitiveness. However, due to the restraints on resources and time, the investigation is subject to improvement on index selection, sample size, and methodology.


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