  • 學位論文


On Thomas Hobbes's Concept of Sovereignty

指導教授 : 顏厥安


本文的目的在於分析霍布斯的主權理論中,理性、代表與上帝三者的交互關係。筆者首先整理出主權的特徵、分類以及起源,之後便進入霍布斯的理論。筆者將霍布斯的理論分為(1)社會信約(2)人格代表(3)上帝與教權三部分。在第一部分,筆者論證了霍布斯的主權權利源自於自然權利,然而主權者並未與臣民立約,而是臣民將權利移轉於主權者以擔保社會信約,因此主權者並未因社會信約而對臣民負有義務。在內容方面,霍布斯的主權一方面是最高的,並且為法律的來源。   然而在社會信約的理論中有兩個困難。第一個困難是,社會信約的成立是一個囚犯難題,而筆者認為,這個囚犯難題無法藉由霍布斯所設想的理性克服,因此霍布斯必須以對死亡的恐懼作為社會信約的基礎,而對死亡的恐懼在霍布斯的界定中,也就是宗教。第二個問題在於,在經驗主義的宇宙觀中,如何讓「利維坦」能在經驗上被認識為一個「人格」,也是無法依靠理性所解決的問題。   因此,第二個部分中,筆者試圖說明霍布斯如何經由代表關係令利維坦能被認識,而筆者認為,在社會信約中有兩種不同的代表關係:(1)群眾授權國家代表自身。(2)主權者代表國家,但並不直接代表臣民,而是間接經由代表國家而代表臣民。代表關係成立之後,主權者藉由其命令填充利維坦的意志,並由命令將所有臣民連結起來,而成為一個能被認識的實體。   在第三個部分中,筆者認為,霍布斯有一種極端世俗化的神學觀,在其中天國和塵世的國家的統治形式是一樣的,上帝也必須經由國家代表(因此也就由主權者代表)才有被認知的可能性,正確的公共教義也必須由代表者決定,甚至上天國的條件包括了服從現世的主權者。但世俗主權者的代表權來自於上帝放棄直接統治塵世,而對於主權者的空白授權。從而主權者的代表權只是由於上帝容許主權者解釋聖經,而不是上帝直接的旨意。霍布斯在理論中反覆強調的「耶穌是基督」這一句格言,確立了在耶穌再臨之前,所有世俗主權者都無法直接援引上帝的旨意。而直到世界末日,人間不會有人具有令人赴死的權利。因為上帝拋棄塵世,人的激情與理性才成為人類政治生活的起點。   筆者的結論為,霍布斯的理論架構中,國家代表上帝與國家代表人民,基本上具有相同的結構,因此存在著取消上帝而以人民取代之的可能性(而這也產生了之後的政治影響)。然而另一方面,霍布斯以兩種方式對抗這種可能性:(1)霍布斯堅持人格神的觀念,而相應的他否認了群眾有意志,只有具體的主權者才有意志可言。(2)霍布斯堅持「耶穌是基督」的信條,從而上帝與塵世的權利仍然具有不對稱性,塵世權利終究只是因為上帝拋棄世間才能存在,從而塵世的人民不可能取代上帝。然而,只要扭轉這兩點,霍布斯的理論也就能夠在形上學以及法學中取消上帝,但取消上帝的結果,是否同時取消了有意義的政治生活,這是待回答的問題。


My goal is to analyze the connection between three major parts of Hobbes’s political and legal theory, those are: (1) the social covenant (2) the theory of representation and person (3) theological arguments on God and the Church. On the social covenant, I think the social covenant in Hobbes’ theory is made by the subjects, but not by the sovereign and subjects. Thus the sovereign is not under the obligation from the social covenant. However, there are two major difficulties on the making of social covenant. First is the prisoners’ dilemma that can’t be overcome by reason. Thus Hobbes has to make theological arguments to support his arguments on the nature condition of mankind and the social covenant. Second is how can one recognize the Leviathan as “One Person” under a world view of empiricism. Thus Hobbes must articulate a theory of person and representation. On the theory of representation, I think there are two different representations in the making of Leviathan: (1) the subjects (the multitude) authorize the commonwealth (the Leviathan) to represent themselves, and (2) the subjects authorize the sovereign to represent the commonwealth. In those two relations of representation, the subjects become the “body” of Leviathan, and the sovereign become the “mind” of Leviathan. On the theological argument, Hobbes has a very secularized view of Christian theology: The Heaven will be on earth, and Jesus will be the sovereign king of Christian, just as the king of England is the sovereign of his subjects. The secularized theological argument and the relation of representation in Hobbes’ theory may be pantheistic or even atheistic (according to the political theological analysis of Carl Schmitt). But on one hand, Hobbes insists that the multitude have no will, and only the sovereign (which is a man or an assembly of men) has will. And Hobbes denies the pantheistic view of commonwealth as the Lord himself. On the other hand, Hobbes keeps the motto “Jesus is the Christ”, which means no king on earth can rightfully claim to have right over life and death. Hobbes’ political theology is very secularized, but the motto keeps him away from atheism. However, some successors of social contract theory ignore or deny Hobbes’s objection to political pantheism or atheism. The trend of political atheism is an aspect of secularization of modern world. How to live a meaningful political life under political atheism is an unsolved Weberian problem.


1998 《法與實踐理性》,臺北,允晨文化
1997 《施米特對自由主義的批判》,徐志躍譯,北京,華夏
2001 《霍布斯的政治哲學》,申彤譯,南京: 譯林
2007 〈政治的神聖性特質:重新思考霍布斯與施密特〉,萬毓澤譯,《政治與社會哲學評論》,22期,頁1-63
Hobbes, Thomas



