  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Influence , of Construction-site Assignment and Working-time Instability , on Job Satisfaction - Work-Family Conflict as Mediator

指導教授 : 辛炳隆


營造業素有火車頭工業之稱號,對於民生經濟其推動扮演著重要性關鍵角色,且可帶動週邊相關產業的發展,對國家經濟有著深遠的影響。其工作內容是承攬營繕工程,而其特性是工地分布於不固定的各個地區,隨著每次開工、完工的循環,工作地點經常性地變動。況且許多工程必須是不能間段的,必須二十四小時輪班。此外天氣因素的不穩定,常常使工程進度落後,相關從業人員對加班也已經是當作家常便飯的事。 家庭被稱為最基本的社會制度,家庭個別和集體滿足了人類最原始的基本需求。營造業從業人員除面對工作壓力之外,在家庭方面,可分配予家人的時間諸多受限,是否分身乏術之餘還能顧及家人的情緒與感受?而在個人方面,因工作與家庭雙重疲勞轟炸下,是否已忽略自我興趣及休憩時間? 本研究討論營造業從業人員在工地調派與工作時間不穩定下,對工作滿意度的造成的影響。並以工作家庭衝突為中介變項,討論工地調派與工作時間不穩定性是否會透過工作家庭衝突來影響工作滿意度。 本文營建從業人員研究對象,使用問卷調查方式進行,有效問卷共153份;經過階層迴歸分析,發現工地調派與工作時間不穩定性確實會影響工作滿意度,並且會透過工作家庭衝突來影響。若營建公司能把以上所說的因素納入管理工程師的一個環節,,在配合每間公司不同的特性,整合出一套有效的管理方法,相信一定可以整體提升工程師的工作滿意度。


Construction Industry is known as industry of the locomotive. It not also plays a key role of the importance for our living and economic growth, but also pushes forward the development of related industries; it is a profound influence to the national economy. The construction period contents a full charge work of construction and maintaining. The working cycle should be uninterrupted day by day. However, the schedule usually get delated when the work place changed during the duty cycle or the unstable weather influenced also; their employees usually get to work overtime while it happened. Family is a basic social system. The individual and group of families meet the basic needs to the human society. In addition to wok, the construction employees may face the family issue, while they pay a long time to their work. The time allocated to various family members may be limited. How would they take care of their family members’ feeling and emotion? To the individual, would they neglect the self-interest and leisure time? These are the serious issue to construction employees. This study discusses the job satisfaction on the impact of the instability of working time and the assign of construction site to the employees, and also discusses the conflict to their families while the working time and construction site has changed. The study is about satisfaction of construction professionals to their work and their family conflict through the work. The reference was included 153 questionnaire surveys to these professions. If the construction companies consider this serious problem and bring it into a part of management, I believe they can enhance the overall job satisfaction form their employees.


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Carly S. Brunk, Tammy D. Allen, and Paul E. Spector (2002), The Relation between Work-Family Conflict and Job Satisfaction:A Finer-Grained Analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior 60, pp 336-353.


