  • 學位論文


Nanostructure Fabrication by E-beam Lithography: Field Emitter Array and Line Shape Pattern

指導教授 : 郭宇軒


電子束微影廣泛應用在奈米結構的製作上。相較於傳統曝光顯影的技術,電子束微影可以提供高解析度的微影以用於奈米結構的製作與研究。經由電子束微影,最小的線寬可以到100奈米以下,這對於尖端的積體電路製程的研究有很大的幫助。 本論文研究的奈米結構分為場發射陣列和奈米線寬圖形兩個部分: (1) 場發射陣列的製程包含電子束微影、RIE蝕刻以及金屬的蒸鍍等三主要步驟。矽針陣列經由電子束微影和RIE蝕刻後形成,再鍍上金屬鋁和銀來增加導電度。將場發射陣列外加大電壓來量測場發射電流。 (2) 奈米線寬圖形的設計是為了能夠得到小的線寬,在這裡必須將電子束微影的一些參數最佳化才能使電子束微影發揮較好的功效。而關於鄰近效應在線寬與線間隔的分析當中有深入討論。最後為了解決因為線寬變小而造成較高的高寬比,將光阻塗佈時的轉速調高以降低光阻厚度,來降低高寬比。


E-beam lithography is frequently used for nanostructure fabrication. Instead of photolithography which is difficult to meet the demand of scaling down, E-beam lithography provides high resolution for building nanotechnology architecture. By using E-beam lithography, the line width can be shrunk below 100 nm, thus being helpful for advanced studies of IC manufacturing and nanostructure fabrication. In this work, the studied nanostructures are field emitter array (FEA) and line shape pattern of the positive photoresist: FEA is fabricated by the E-beam lithography, reactive ion etching (RIE) and metal evaporation. After E-beam lithography and RIE, the silicon tips are formed, and then deposited with silver and aluminum to increase electrical conductivity. And then the field emission current is measured by applying high voltage. The line shape pattern is designed in pursuit of narrow line width. Here the optimization of parameters of E-beam lithography and proximity effect are discussed with line width and spacing analysis. In the end, by increasing the spin speed of coating, the thickness of photoresist is reduced to decrease aspect ratio.


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