  • 學位論文


The System and Foundation of the Thought of Jia Yi: Focus on Xin Shu

指導教授 : 林俊宏




賈誼 新書 漢初思想 秦制 安利 長久


Xin Shu is an important works of the early Han Dynasty (b.c. 202~168). There were many researcher discuss on Xin Shu through the ages. The rise and fall of the Qin Dynasty (b.c. 211-207) makes great influence of on Jia Yi’s thought, and those influences can be found in many chapters of Xin Shu. Also, many researchers consider that Jia Yi had accept many elements of the Fajia. But when it comes to the basic recognition about the falling of Qin Dynasty, if Jia Yi accept Fajia elements without question is open to doubt. The questions we tend to consider is the way of the politics of Qin Dynasty had been reviewed in the thought of Jia Yi, the proposition been offered alone his reviewing, and how those proposition exhibit in the the reform plan of the practical political issues of the early Han Dynasty. In the writer’s opinion, an analysis about Jia Yi’s way of reviewing Qin Dynasty and the outcome of the reviewing would contribute to understand the essentials and the system of the thought of Jia Yi.


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