  • 學位論文


The Damage Award of Trade Secret Misappropriation

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


在各種訴訟類型中,損害賠償計算是最困難的議題之一。本文討論營業秘密侵害訴訟中所面臨之問題,從營業秘密之要件認定出發,探討我國企業如何因應實務之標準。並且,本文亦著重於營業秘密損害賠償的各種計算方式,試圖歸納營業秘密損害賠償階段時,訴訟當事人雙方應考量之各種要件。 由於智慧財產領域之特殊性,計算損害賠償實為一大難題,而相較於專利、商標及著作權之案件,營業秘密由於案件稀少,更難以藉由實務建構一套完整之流程。此外,由於舉證之不易,在無奈之下,我國法院亦經常以民事訴訟法第222條第2項作為計算之依據。惟本條之運用,不僅對訴訟當事人在上訴攻防時無從著手,亦難以使外界整理法院對案件之標準為何。 因此,本文針對以上提出疑義,認為應參酌美國實務對其他計算方式之見解,降低營業秘密所有人在舉證上之難度,並且適當平衡訴訟雙方事證偏在的現狀,以求突破當前營業秘密所有人面臨之困境。


Among all the difficulties we confront in lawsuits, the calculation of damages may be one of the most difficult and annoying issues. In this thesis, I discuss the obstacles we face in the lawsuits of trade secret misappropriation. To begin with the requirements of trade secrets, this thesis organize the standard of our courts build up in order to provide the trade secrets holders a path to follow. Meanwhile, this thesis also focuses on the different ways of damage calculation used in Taiwan’s courts and summarizes the key points of the calculation that both parties of the lawsuit need to be aware of. According to the specialty of the intellectual properties, the calculation of damages has been a great difficulty. Unlike patent, trademark, and copyright, the fact that the rare numbers of trade secrets cases leads to the vague situation while we talk about the calculation of damages in a trade secret case. In addition, the trouble of plaintiff to prove the number of damages also cause the courts to overuse the Article 222, item 2 of the Civil Procedure Law for lack of better option. Unfortunately, this way might leave both parties of the lawsuits in confuse and make scholars hard to understand how this results came up. As a result, this thesis casts doubts on the current situation and suggests we should take the United States’ damage compensation system into consideration. Besides, thinking of the difficulties for the plaintiff to acknowledge the infringer’s documents, we should try to balance the inequality of both parties while proving the damages. By doing so, we can in some extent help the trade secrets holders to avoid the dilemma.


1.王偉霖(2015),《營業秘密法理論與實務》,初版,台北 : 元照。
2.王澤鑑(2015),《侵權行為法》,增訂新版,台北 : 自版。
3.張靜(2007),《我國營業秘密法學的建構與開展》,初版,台北 : 新學林。
4.張靜(2014),《營業秘密法及相關智慧財產問題》,第四版,台北 : 經濟部智慧財產局。

