  • 學位論文


A Mobile Mediation Tool for Enhancing Interaction between Depressed Person and Caregiver

指導教授 : 朱浩華
共同指導教授 : 陳淑惠


摘要 憂鬱症為一種心理疾病,它對個人正常生活的能力及生活品質有顯著的影響.「尋求再保證」為憂鬱者之人際行為特徵之一。這種人際行為往往會導致憂鬱者與其照顧者之間的負向人際互動。例如,當照顧者正忙於其他事時,憂鬱者若在這個不適當的時間點重複尋求他人的保證,將可能會影響雙方的互動。此負向人際互動若持續,將同時對照顧者與憂鬱者都會形成情緒的壓力與負擔。 然而,如何維持雙方的良好關係,對協助憂鬱者之憂鬱情緒調節與康復有關鍵的重要性。在這篇論文裡,提出以行動式平台互動介面探討並試圖增進憂鬱者與照顧者之間的人際互動。互動介面提供了憂鬱者與照顧者的心情與忙碌狀態的即時訊息,期望能藉由增進雙方對互相狀態的了解而改善雙方的溝通與互動模式,提高關係滿意度及減少照顧者因照顧憂鬱者所造成的主觀負擔。


Abstract Depression, a common mental health disorder, significantly affects an individual’s ability to live a regular life. Excessive reassurance-seeking behavior, i.e. a common interper¬sonal characteristic of depression, often leads to negative interaction betw¬ee-n caregivers and depressed individuals, who seek excessive assurance from the caregiv-ers at inappropriate times e.g. when caregivers are busy. Such negative interaction results in elevated feeling of burden in care-giving and care-receiving. However, maintaining a good relationship between depressed individuals and caregivers is crucial in overcoming difficulties time during depression. Therefore, this work proposes a mobile care mediation tool that helps improve communication in care-giving and care-receiving between depressed individuals and caregivers. By sharing the mood and availability status of givers and receivers of care, the proposed mobile care mediation tool enhances satisfaction of their relationship, and reduces burdens in care-giving.


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