  • 學位論文


Life’s Enhancement:Influence of Horticulture Therapy on Drug Offenders

指導教授 : 張祖亮


園藝治療的原理和其他職能治療方法相同,都是一種移轉作用,透過人與植物的互動體驗而得到身心靈的滿足,在歐美已行之有年,除了實際應用於許多不同的族群外,亦獲得許多研究證實其效益。目前國內研究園藝療法效益者多偏向於如老年人、兒童、精神病患與智能障礙者等對象,鮮少對於監獄等矯正機構中龐大的獄友進行園藝療法等相關性的研究。 本研究除藉由文獻回顧方式探討園藝治療的應用理論與其對應用對象的施作方式,並以個案研究法透過實地觀察與訪談結果分析園藝治療在實際應用於國內矯正機構的應用潛力,並歸納出適合受戒治人所進行的技能訓練及生命教育的園藝治療施作方法。 在經過二十週以上的園藝課程訓練之後,將問卷調查、訪談結果以及後續個案追蹤的資料彙整,除發現參與學員除了在園藝的技能以及生命教育意義知識上有明顯的增進以外,對其形於外的專注力以及社交能力、行為控制、自我尊重與自信心等內省方面亦有改善,更有學員於出所後旋即投入園藝工作。因此若能夠藉由園藝治療的施作,而讓這些被社會忽略的邊緣人培養專業技能或休閒嗜好以滿足其生理或心理上的需求,除能使活動參與者端正其價值觀、培養更多元的能力以外,亦能夠透過園藝治療獲得更生的機會。


The principle of horticulture therapy equals to other occupation therapies which is a transformation that gains satisfaction by way of interaction between human and plant. In Europe and the U.S., horticulture therapy has been existed for years, and it applies to various groups and the effect is proven by many researches. In Taiwan, the major benefits of horticulture therapy are elders, children, mental patients and incompetents. Nevertheless, horticulture therapy and related research on considerable number of prisoners and drug addicts in prisons and rehabilitation centers are seldom found. This research, by the method of retracing the documents and observation, interviews and individual researches, probes the forms of horticulture therapy application and the horticulture therapy practice method, therefore to understand the application potential of horticulture therapy in drug offenders and rehabilitation centers in Taiwan. Meanwhile, the applicable horticulture therapy of technical training and life education for prisoners and drug addicts are tried to be generalized. After more than twenty weeks horticulture course training, the analysis of questionnaires and interviews found the trainees had not only progressed the knowledge of horticulture skill and life education, but also observable self-efficacy, and essential social status, behavioral controls, self-esteem and self-confidence are improved. Surprisingly, some trainees devote to horticulture job after the term of imprisonment. Apparently, Through the way of horticulture therapy, the society abandoned people are satisfied physically and mentally by technical skills and recreational habits. In the result of that, the trainees’ values are been rectified and some abilities are been cultivated, furthermore, their lives have chance to be reborn through horticulture therapy.


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