  • 學位論文


Study of effects of horticulture therapy on heart rate of the hospitalized stroke patients

指導教授 : 應立志


摘要 研究目的:園藝療法可經由簡單的植物栽種活動調節心理及情緒,園藝療法會使參與者心情愉悅,其愉悅之心情是否能緩和中風住院患者之心律,進而改善其心肺功能,此為本研究之主要目的。 研究方法:本研究將罹患腦中風之住院病人作為研究對象,使用之材料包括花卉植物及食用植物等。本研究所使用之儀器為24小時心電圖及電子血壓計。在園藝活動前2個小時幫受試者安裝24小時心電圖,並在園藝活動前、中、後分別記錄受試者之血壓、心律及血氧濃度。園藝活動時間總共是2個小時,活動後2個小時才替受試者拆除心電圖。本研究計算園藝活動之前的2小時、過程中之2小時及之後的2小時心律的平均值。再將園藝活動過程中與之後所測之血壓、心律平均值及血氧濃度採用統計方法中之成對樣本差異性t檢定做分析。並針對不同性別、年齡及教育程度之受試者採用ANOVA分析探討前列項目之差異。研究結果:發現園藝活動中與活動後心律差異、收縮壓差異及舒張壓差異之檢定結果均為顯著(p值小於0.05)。結論:園藝療法對腦中風住院患者之心律緩和具顯著效果。


腦中風 心律 園藝療法


Abstract Purpose:Horticulture therapy can adjust one''s mental and emotional status through the simple agricultural activities. Horticulture therapy can make participants a good mood. To prove whether good mood can modulate the heart rate of the hospitalized stroke patient and in further to improve the cardiopulmonary function is the main aim of this study. Methods:We used our morbidity capable stroke patients for doing the study. The materials used were the flowering plants and the edible plants and etc. The equipments used in this study were the Holter EKG and the BP monitor. We installed the Holter EKG 2 hours prior to the horticulture activity, and used electronic BP monitor to measure the blood pressure, the heart rate and the blood oxygen saturation before, during and after the horticulture activity. The total time taken for the horticulture activity was 2 hours. We disengaged the Holter EKG 2 hours after the activity. We computed the mean value of the 2 hours heart rate of Holter EKG in the pre-activity, during and after activity respectively. We used paired t-test to analyze the blood pressure, the heart rate and the blood oxygen saturation for during and after horticulture activity. Regarding the difference in gender and age and education level, we used ANOVA to analyze their difference. Results:The results of this study showed that the difference of the heart rate, the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure during and after horticulture activity is significant (p<0.05). Conclusion:Therefore we can conclude that horticulture therapy can lower the heart rate and blood pressure of the hospitalized stroke patient.


stroke heart rate Horticulture therapy


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