  • 學位論文


Innovative Dispatching Taxi Services Design Based on Customer Orientation

指導教授 : 張學孔


計程車是都會地區重要的運輸工具,扮演都市大眾運輸發展中不可或缺的重要角色,近年來應用資訊與通訊科技設備輔助計程車營運以合理分配其產能已逐漸受到政府與業者的重視,智慧型衛星派遣計程車服務能為乘客帶來之時空效益與服務水準的提升,以及駕駛營運收入改善及產業正向回饋之特性成為計程車產業發展的趨勢;然目前每日衛星派遣服務使用率普遍偏低,本研究主要以實際使用計程車衛星派遣服務之乘客與衛星派遣業者為實證研究對象,探討顧客對目前衛星派遣服務屬性認知與服務感受,藉由了解市場需求與特性,找出派遣服務流程中之缺失與顧客需求。並透過品質機能展開法(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)並整合模糊理論解決語意投入模糊與灰關聯分析輔助決策,系統化地得出產業關鍵改善對策並據以設計計程車創新派遣服務。 研究結果顯示「叫車成本低廉」、「衛星派遣服務有形性佳」、「車資折扣優惠」分別為智慧型衛星派遣計程車產業中最應優先品質改善與發展之顧客需求屬性;為滿足顧客需求與增進競爭優勢,衛星派遣計程車產業應先從整合與擴增各種叫車管道著手,並同時增進派遣系統搜尋、派遣邏輯能力與開發應用模組,及改善派遣服務有形性、朝向建置大規模車隊等重點項目進行發展;並建立良善之顧客關係管理而後整合提升駕駛素質專業、依據社會多元需求提供客製化計程車派遣服務等,以提高派遣服務品質、顧客滿意度與派遣服務使用率。本研究並將得出之改善對策與現有派遣技術、服務、未來科技應用、顧客需求與社會趨勢結合設計一「Web Taxi創新網路派遣服務平台」,導入自主選擇、評鑑機制、預約預付等模組並設計多元服務專案,以刺激多元市場需求並創造更大顧客價值與社會效益。


Taxi is an important mode of transportation in urban areas, which also plays an essential role in providing public transit services. In recent year, GPS-based taxi dispatching service has more operation efficiency and service quality comparing with other cruising and radio dispatching taxis. Application of the advanced technologies has turned into a new trend for taxi industry. However, the utilization of satellite dispatching service is still far beyond the expectation. In order to understand the customer needs, decision criterions, and experience of taking taxi dispatching service as well as to find out the missing linkage in this service chain, this research conducts a survey on taxi passengers who have used GPS-based dispatching service. Additionally, this research identifies the key strategies to satisfy customers’ needs and promote the taxi dispatching service with Quality Function Deployment Method (QFD) combined with Fuzzy Theory and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA). With these results from both passenger needs and operator strategies, this research proposed an innovative taxi dispatching services. The result shows that “low cost of taxi dispatching service”, “splendid tangible of taxi dispatching service” and “discount fares” are the three categories that the industry should give priority for quality improvement and development of customer needs for property. To meet customers’ needs and enhance the competitive advantage, the key strategies are obtained as “expanding the taxi dispatching way”, “promoting the dispatch software and developing more modules”, and “ensuring the tangible or progressing in friendly access”. Besides, development of the large-scale fleet, formulation of good customer relationship management (CRM) and enhancement of driver quality are also the steps that industry should consider. Based on findings in this research, and existing technologies, potential IT applications, and social needs, this research designed a “Web Taxi-2.0” dispatching platform, which integrates functions of individual taxi selection, service evaluation, advanced booking & payment modules with implementations of many innovative service programs. It is shown that the Web Taxi_2.0 has potential to stimulate market demand for diversified service and to increase utilization of taxi dispatching service, and then to create even greater customer value and social benefits.


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Lin, C. H. (2010). 巡迴計程車市場衛星派遣車隊最適規模之研究 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.01036
