  • 學位論文


Effects of Light Intensity and Growing Medium on Uptake of Benzene and Toluene by House Plants

指導教授 : 孫岩章


苯與甲苯為室內常見揮發性有機物,對人體健康影響甚大,本研究即以苯及甲苯為對象,期望篩選出對其吸收能力較佳的室內植物,並了解不同環境因素,如光照及栽培介質等對苯及甲苯吸收速率之影響。本研究取八種常見室內植物,在小型熏氣箱中以初始濃度30 ppm之苯及甲苯進行熏氣,測量各種植物在5000 lx下之沈降速度。結果顯示,500 lx光照馴化30天後之臺灣姑婆芋及斑葉垂榕對苯及甲苯收效率最高。比較八種室內植物在不同馴化光度及馴化時間下對苯及甲苯吸收能力之差異,結果顯示植株於室外馴化60天比馴化30天者對苯及甲苯吸收力較低,可能與葉綠素含量降低有關。但比較弱光(500 lx)、強光(5000 lx)及室外各馴化60天後對植物淨污能力之影響,發現三者間並無顯著差異。另在紅光與藍光兩種光照下各馴化60天後,發現植物於藍光馴化者對苯及甲苯的吸收皆大於紅光馴化者,其中以金脈單藥花對苯吸收增加最多,其增加率為323%,對甲苯的吸收則以斑葉垂榕增加最多,其增加率為285%。此說明藍光可增進植物淨污能力,但若與全光譜之馴化者相比較,又發現藍光馴化者不如全光譜馴化者。另利用相同之熏氣系統,對十五種人工栽培介質進行苯吸收力之測試,發現其中以竹炭對苯的吸收較佳,沈降速度為1.6 mm/s。將上述淨污能力較佳之介質依不同組合混入泥炭土及根基旺,並測量各混合介質對苯之吸收能力。結果得知泥炭土、根基旺、樹皮及竹炭以1:1:1:1比例混合後對苯吸收較佳。又將五種室內植株種植於此混合介質當中,並與種植於基本介質(BVB、根基旺)者相比較,統計後顯示兩種介質對整盆植物吸收苯之能力並無顯著差異。此說明栽培介質本身並非盆栽淨污的主控者,重要的仍是要有淨污力較高的品種以及茂密健康的葉片。


Benzene and toluene are major indoor air pollutants. They have negative effects on human health. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to screen the house plants with higher absorption rate of benzene and toluene for future application. The effects of light intensity and cultural medium on the uptake rates of benzene and toluene by indoor plants are also studied. Eight common house plants were exposed to 30 ppm of benzene or toluene under strong light (5000 lx) in a 52-L fumigation chamber. Results show that Alocasia Cuculata and Ficus benjamina have the higher uptake rates for benzene and toluene after acclimatized in weak light (500 lx) for 30 days. The houses plants acclimatized in outdoor condition for 60 days showed lower rates of benzene and toluene, and the plants showed fewer chlorophyll. These is no significant difference among three groups of house plants acclimated in strong light, low light and outdoor, respectively for 60 days. House plant acclimatized in blue light for 60 days, showed high uptake rates of benzene and toluene than those in red light. Especially Aphelandra squarrosa as acclimatized in blue light exhibited 223% increase to absorb benzene, and Ficus benjaminav exhibited 285% increase to absorb toluene as compared to that in red light. This result indicate that acclimatization in blue light can increase the absorption of benzene and toluene by plants, but the uptake rate of plants growing under full-spectrum light is still higher than those under blue light. The same fumigation chamber was used to measure the uptake rates of fifteen growing media for benzene. Results showed that the bamboo charcoal had the highest uptake rate of benzene with deposition velocity of 1.6 mm/s. Mixture of three growing media with common media (BVB, KING ROOT plant medium) showed that the mixture from peat moss, KING ROOT plant medium, bamboo charcoal and tree barks by ratio of 1:1:1:1 has the highest uptake rate of benzene. However, when the house plants are grown on this medium or the simple mixture of peat moss and KING ROOT plant medium (1:1), then the is no significant difference in benzene uptake. These results generally indicate that the growing medium can not play the role for cleaning the air pollution, as compared to right plant species with abundant and health leaves and right uptake rates for pollution.


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