  • 學位論文


Home-returning and Practicing Bunun Identity along with the Historical Trail of Guanmen

指導教授 : 洪廣冀 梁玉芳


本深度報導旨在以布農族丹社群馬遠部落為例,完整呈現原住民族深入其傳統領域,復返其舊部落遺址的「回家」或者「尋根」行動,能為原住民青年的認同與無形文化資產的保存,帶來多大的影響;以及入山生活的過程,所能提供的山岳環境與族群文化知識內涵。其包括但不限於:台灣低中高海拔植群生態相之變化、清代官道遺跡:關門古道之保存現況、布農族丹社群之遷徙脈絡、布農族與山岳環境互動的傳統知識與技能之應用、回家行動與當代登山知能之關聯與結合、參與成員以十日記憶為基礎凝聚之族群情感與認同、布農族丹社群舊部落Havaan(哈巴昂)與Qalmut(堪姆卒)遺址保存現況等。 本報導亦透過作者自身之參與及訪談,希望為讀者呈現當代原住民部落生活之真實樣態,減少讀者對原住民的刻板印象。並加入台灣原住民回家行動最悠久的內本鹿霍松安家族的分享,以布農族視角探究回家行動的意義與展望。另外,本報導也引入山林主管機關林務局,以及地方文化主管機關文化局的視角,討論原住民復返舊社之回家行動,在當代國家法律框架中之管理現況,和文化主管機關對於原住民回家行動所能提供之輔導與幫助。 透過全程跟訪「馬遠部落再造歷史現場專案計畫」,可以發現回家行動能提供參與者的知能收穫與認知影響十分豐厚。同時也能看見,回家行動之於個體對族群的認同、傳統領域與文化之活化保存,有著顯著且深刻的幫助。而相關機關的視角,也顯示當代公部門以開放透明、積極合作的態度面對原住民的回家行動。希冀本報導能啟發更多原住民青年,起身跟著老人家走回山裡,讓Mai-asang再次升起炊煙,讓文化的靈魂能繼續活在路途與參與者的心中。


The report is to completely record and show the actions of the “Home-returning Movement to the Taki-Vatan,” which was held by the Bunun youth in the Mayuan Village of Wanrong Township, Hualien. The Home-returning Movement means that indigenous people whose ancestor immigrated or forced to immigrate to the present tribe visit the old tribe or the tribe ruins of their ancestors. Three main issues are investigated in the report. First, how the Bunun youth confirm their ethnic identity by taking part in the Home-returning Movement and how the movement preserves the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Second, the meaning of the Home-returning Movement and what the participants gain from it. Last, how the government treats the Home-returning Movements of the indigenous people in Taiwan. The report shows that by spending 10 days crossing the Central Mountain Ridge in Taiwan, all the participants of the Home-returning Movement to the Taki-Vatan learned a lot about the forests, the mountains, trekking and the Takiivatan traditional culture, knowledge and history. Through practicing traditional life style such as making fire and hunting on their homeland daily, and helping each other while trekking in the difficult mountain range and the virgin forest, these Bunun youth of Takiivatan formed close relationships with their homeland and each other. The experience helped the Bunun youth confirm their ethnic identity, while the Intangible Cultural Heritage was being preserved through its daily use in the journey. In addition, the report shows that government is positive about the Home-returning Movement of the indigenous people. They encourage it by giving it great scope of freedom, subsidizing, and legitimating their traditional use of forest, etc.


