  • 學位論文


Growth, Place and History: A Study on Folk Religions and Legends in Higashiyama Akira’s Taiwan-themed Literary Works

指導教授 : 張文薰


本研究以東山彰良《流》、《我殺的人與殺我的人》與《小小的地方》這三部以臺灣為舞臺的小說為對象,探討其中民間信仰與傳說的機能與意義。東山彰良生於臺灣、長於日本,以日文寫作。2015年,憑藉《流》獲得第153屆直木賞而聞名臺、日兩地。值得留意的是,在其面向日本讀者的作品中,融入許多臺灣元素,其中最突出者為臺灣的民間信仰、神話傳說與歷史事件,在小說中發揮重要的情節機能。因此,本研究欲探討東山彰良在日本書寫臺灣民間信仰、神話傳說與歷史事件的策略與意義。透過資料考察其運用的信仰傳說的性質與意涵,再分析作品的敘事方法、情節設計,探究東山彰良藉以傳達的主題要旨,進而發掘其文學價值與意義。 本研究先從東山彰良的個人背景談起,勾勒其生命與創作歷程,再梳理報導、隨筆、讀者回饋等材料,探求東山彰良的文藝養成與寫作意識,並了解臺、日讀者如何觀看其作品。對東山彰良有基礎認識後,接著進入小說文本,探討其中民間信仰與傳說的意義。本研究認為,東山彰良藉臺灣民間信仰與傳說呈現三個重要主題,分別是青少年成長歷程、信仰承傳與在地化與歷史書寫的意義。而這三個主題皆指向東山彰良的共同關懷,即強調個體經驗感受,超越國族與既定社會分類群體的人際情感。


Higashiyama Akira was born in Taiwan, grew in Japan, and composes in Japanese. In 2015, He was awarded the 153th Naoki Prize and therefore renowned in both Japan and Taiwan. It is noteworthy that in his works toward Japanese readers, there are many Taiwanese features and elements incorporated, among which Taiwan folk religions, myths and legends, and historic events are most conspicuous, and they serve significant function on plots in fictions. Analyzed subjects of this research are three works in which Higashiyama Akira set Taiwan as the background— Ryu, The One whom I Killed and The One who Killed Me, and A little Place—to discuss the strategy that Higashiyama Akira writes Taiwanese folklore and folk religions in Japan and its meaning. This research begins with Higashiyama Akira’s personal background, describes his life course and writing experience, and explores his creation sense as well as how Taiwanese and Japanese readers interpret his works through materials including news reports, causeries, and reader feedback. After building basic understanding toward Higashiyama Akira, this research moves into fiction texts to explore the three crucial topics presented through folk religions, myths, and legends, which are teenagers’ growth process, the formation of local awareness, and the meaning of writing history. All the three topics point toward Higashiyama Akira’s mutual concern, which is the emphasis on individual experience and feels, and interpersonal affection beyond nations and fixed social categories.


