  • 學位論文


The Benefits of Using Credit Card in Taiwan – Frequent-Flyer miles and Float Payments

指導教授 : 郭震坤


信用卡從 1960 年代開始在全球已經發行數十年。發卡機構提供各種經濟誘因,促使消費者使用信用卡付款而非以現金付款,然而許多消費者依然選擇以現金付款,或由於信用評等不足,而無法取得信用卡。因此,一個值得探討的議題就是:使用信用卡付款的消費者是否確定獲得正面利益?本研究參考Jalbert,Stewart,與Martin(2010),以台灣信用卡市場的資料來檢視使用現金與信用卡兩種付款方式的機會成本–哩程數、遞延支付的利益,並且延伸探討是否存在獲取最佳利益的選擇策略。研究結果顯示消費者在使用現金付款而非信用卡時,會產生相當大的機會成本,並據此歸納出消費者的利益最適選擇區間,此結果將幫助發卡機構優化其產品與消費者的支付模式。


Credit card has existed for several decades. The issuers provide a variety of economic incentives to encourage consumers to use credit card rather than cash payments. However, many consumers still choose to pay in cash, or unable to obtain credit cards due to lack of credit rating. Therefore, a question worth of exploration is: Whether consumers obtain benefits with credit card payments? Based on Jalbert,Stewart, & Martin (2010), this study uses Taiwan credit card data to examine the opportunity costs associated with cash payments–frequent flyer miles & float payments. We also explore whether there exists an optimal selection strategy. The results show consumers incur considerable opportunity costs by paying in cash rather than credit card. And optimal selection range for onsumers’best interests is summed up. The research help cards issuers optimize the characteristics and features of their programs, and help consumers enhance their payment patterns.


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