  • 學位論文


Discussion and Analysis on Behavior of Using Mobile Payment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


在當今世界行動支付為一個大趨勢,而台灣在2015年金管會通過了《電子支付機構管理條例》後,台灣行動支付業界也開始摩拳擦掌。從開始的歐付寶到後來市佔率第一和第二的line pay、街口支付等,各家業者相互競爭,形成了台灣近幾年來行動支付百花齊放的場面。消費者的傳統使用現金支付到信用卡流行,乃至現在的各大行動支付已開始一定範圍和領域的遍佈,行動支付已開始逐漸進入台灣民眾生活的每一個角落。而本研究以台灣各年齡層的消費者作為研究對象,旨在瞭解和研究臺灣行動支付未使用者、已使用者的消費習慣、偏好方式,以及消費者所偏好使用的支付方式被哪些因素影響。將各可能影響的因素作為變數編列成問卷題項進行發放,就所回收之有效問卷進行統計,最終在呈現的數據上通過SPSS進行邏輯斯回歸分析和探討,以此來知曉影響消費者使用支付方式的因素,來達到準確預測消費者會使用哪一種的支付方式,以及提供後續的建議,為後來台灣行動支付業者做長期參考添磚加瓦。這樣才能讓行動支付真正融入在台灣的每個人的內心,逐步讓台灣成為世界數位化新時代家庭的一員。


The object of this study is to illustrate mobile payment become the world mainstream trend, and after Taiwan passed "The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions" by the Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C(Taiwan) in 2015, Taiwan's mobile payment industry is developing rapidly. From the beginning of O'Pay to Line pay and JKO payment, which have the first and second market share, plenty of businesses have competed with each other as well as forming a scene that Taiwan's mobile payment has flourished in recent years. In the past, consumers used to pay in cash traditionally ,and now the payment of mobile payment is more popular than before. Meanwhile, mobile payments has been spread across Taiwan and come into every parts of Taiwan people's life. Taking different age of groups in Taiwan as research object which aim to understand and study about mobile payment in Taiwanese for four topics: who never use it before ,consumption habit of user , consumer's prefer way to pay for, and which ways is major contributing factor in consumer's prefer method. The possible influencing factors are compiled into questionnaire items as variables and distributed. This study collected effective questionnaires and counted , meantime used logistic regression to carry out the analysis and discussion on the presented data through SPSS. According to logistic regression's result to know the influence of consumers on payment ,and accurate prediction of which payment consumers will use ,also provide follow-up suggestions as a long-term reference for the mobile payment industry in Taiwan. The findings of the research have led to the conclusion that by through this conclusion can integrated convenience technology into Taiwanese life. Meanwhile, let Taiwan become one member of new age of digitalization family in the world.


2.MIC.產業情報研究所, 2020
