  • 學位論文

建築設計廠商之事業策略分析 —以H聯合建築師事務所為例

The Business Strategy Analysis of Architecture Design Firm —A Case Study of H Architects and Associates

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


國內「建築設計」產業的組成單位 (廠商) 是建築師事務所,由於沒有一家事務所有足夠的市場佔有率去影響整個產業的變化,屬於典型的「分散型產業」,長期以來,常態性、有系統的對這個產業進行統計、分析及研究的資料甚少,以致於產業內的成員對於所處的內、外競爭環境失去敏感度,目標市場不明確,更普遍對競爭策略缺乏瞭解,以致於大部分的事務所沒有建立自己的差異特色,無法邁向藍海市場。 建築設計產業可定義為:由依法開業的建築師 (事務所),接受客戶委託提供具有設計創意的產出成果,以及相關價值活動的專業服務行業。在國內,建築設計產業的從業資格和開業條件依法有所限制;組織和經營型態以中小型規模及個人經營為主;範疇有涵蓋各類建築設計的核心業務和其他不涉及建管程序的相關業務,兼有B2B及B2C的業務模式;建築師的開業人數持續成長,但是建築設計市場受景氣影響而有波動,加上開放國際建築設計單位競逐,產業競爭的情形日益嚴峻;近年因為大陸的城市化帶動建築產業,吸引不少建築師前往發展,但因資質和市場特性之故,仍須尋求利基市場。 本研究嘗試透過管理知識,運用競爭及策略等產業分析工具,包括競爭環境分析 (PEST,政治、經濟、社會、科技環境分析),Michael E. Porter的競爭理論:產業環境的五力分析、價值鏈分析,Robert M. Grant的關鍵成功因素辨識,市場定位:STP行銷理論等,對建築設計產業加以檢視,並參考現有研究成果,整理建築設計產業的競爭環境現況,討論其關鍵成功因素,進而歸納策略群組,依市場屬性建議市場競爭策略。 個案以聯合執業的建築師事務所為例,由14年來個案事務所同時面向台灣和大陸兩個不同的市場的成長經驗和經營現況,分析現有策略,並歸納出商業建築設計和公共建築設計兩大類的目標市場,以其集中化、差異化的競爭優勢,探討未來競爭及事業的策略。


Architecture design firms are the units that compose the architecture design industry in Taiwan. As none of the firms hold enough market share to influence the whole industry, it is a typical case of Fragmented industry. Without the normality study, architecture design firms have lost a sense of competition within and outside the country. An uncertain target market and the competitive strategy lead to architecture design firms to remain homogenous. Thus, they cannot step into the Blue Ocean Market. We can define the architecture design industry as a professional service industry. Registered architects may open a firm according to the law, and then create designs for clients. In Taiwan, the profile of a design firm is limited. First, the conventional management structure of a firm is best suited for small and medium sized firms, run by individuals. These types of firms encompass many core businesses of architecture design and businesses that doesn't involve in building management process. Also, these firms have the business models of B2B and B2C. The number of the architects who open their own firms continues to rise. However, the architecture design market is affected by the economy and subject to harsh competition from foreign firms. The situation grows worse day by day. In recent years, the urbanization of China promotes its own architecture industry, which attracts many architects. While the Chinese market's condition and characteristics are quite different from ours, these architects would still have to explore this Niche Market. This research uses management knowledge and analytical tools such as PEST (politics, economy, society, technology analysis) to analyze the competition environment. Additionally, this research uses the competition theory by Michael E. Porter, these includes the five forces analysis and value chain analysis. Finally this research uses Robert M. Grant's Key Success Factor and positioning. By using Grant's STP Marketing Theory, we inspect the architecture design industry. We refer to previous researched, evaluate the architecture design industry's competition environment, and the key success factor. Then we summarize the strategy groups and give recommendations of competition strategies by market characteristics. As a case study, we analyze the developing experiences and managing situation of H Architects and Associates in Taiwan and China over the past 14 years. We analyze the strategy and conclude the target market of both commercial and public architecture design. Also, we use the target market's advantages for competition through focus and differentiation to determine the future competition and business strategy.


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