  • 學位論文

台灣醫療產業寡占市場競爭策略研究 —以F台灣分公司為例

Research on Competitive Strategy of Taiwan Medical Industry in Oligopoly Market —Case Study on Branch of Company F in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


面對人口的老化、醫療技術的進步、開發中國家醫療保險制度逐漸完善開放,全球透析市場預期仍將持續穩定的成長。兩家核心事業都專注於透析治療領域的公司,在各自的優勢產品區隔中均為全球領導級廠商,獨領風騷近半個世紀。但由於治療型態特性的不同,使得不同產品區隔中形成寡佔市場不同的競爭模式;因而造成兩家廠商同樣策略性競爭的國際併購行動,卻對整體競爭力的提昇有截然不同的程度差異。 本研究以兩家公司在臺灣透析市場多年來的競爭歷程作為個案研究的主軸,運用四格商業模式作為檢視個案公司的問題與挑戰的工具,再透過動態競爭中的「察覺-動機-能力」分析法以及「市場共同性-資源相似性」架構,來探討在不同寡佔市場競爭型態下對於兩家廠商間的競爭互動、歷程與競爭能量的影響。 研究結論如下:(1)優勢廠商的寡佔市場,即使存在競爭不對稱性,優勢廠商對任何競爭性行為仍會有高度的察覺,有高的回應動機,並有高度能力採取反擊。(2)價格競爭的寡佔市場,在競爭不對稱性的情況下市場領導者因競爭慣性高,會對弱勢競爭者缺乏警戒。(3)資源稟賦的僵固性、競爭慣性與組織慣性,會導致資源配置過度集中於強勢產品,公司人才無法適才適所,不但造成整體資源的浪費,也會造成整體策略規劃時的盲點。 本研究透過基本的動態競爭邏輯分析,最後針對個案公司提出一些未來策略方向的建議,以期個案公司能突破競爭慣性的策略盲點,更精確有效的做競爭管理來擴展事業。


The global dialysis market is expected to grow at a stable pace as a result of the increase in aging population, the advancements of medical technology, and the open of substantial government healthcare policy in developing countries. Two companies discussed in this study are specialized in dialysis treatment and have dominated the market for half century with distinct product segmentation. However, with divergent qualities of treatment types, the two companies’ product segments have developed different competition patterns in oligopoly market. Therefore, despite the fact that both companies conducted similar international merger and acquisition to gain a competitive advantage, their entire competiveness was enhanced to a totally different extent. This case study research centered on the rival of two leading companies in dialysis market in Taiwan. To examine the two companies’ problems and challenges, the Four-Box Business Model was applied. Moreover, through the analysis of Awareness-Motivation-Capability perspective and under the framework of Market commonality and resource similarity, the study explored how two companies’ different competition patterns in oligopoly market would impact their reaction, process, and capacity in rivalry. The study concluded that: 1. In spite of competitive asymmetry, the dominant firm reacts agilely with strong awareness, motivation and capability in the face of fierce competition in oligopoly market. 2. The market leading company under competitive asymmetry is off guard against disadvantageous competitors due to organizational inertia in competition of Bertrand oligopoly. 3. The disproportionate resource allocation to dominant products is a result of resource rigidity, competitive inertia and organizational inertia. Moreover, inadequate arrangement on human resources not only wastes the organizational resources but also creates a blind spot in scheming out strategy. Eventually, the study provides the case company with advice on future development through the analysis of fundamental logic on dynamic competition. Most importantly, the study is conducted in the hope that the case company will break through the limit of competitive inertia and will expand its market in a more efficient and precise manner.


1. 中央健康保險署,2007,有關核發94年門診透析服務品質保證保留款案,http://sc-dr.tw/NEWS/96/07030201.htm. ,搜尋日期:2015年5月4日。
2. 中央健康保險署,2008,有關核發95年門診透析服務品質保證保留款案,http://www.nhi.gov.tw/PDA/BulletinDetail.aspx?No=858. ,搜尋日期:2015年5月4日。
3. 中央健康保險署,2008,有關核發96年門診透析服務品質保證保留款案,http://testnhi.pstcom.com.tw/PDA/LawDetail.aspx?No=1028. ,搜尋日期:2015年5月4日。
4. 中央健康保險署,2009,有關核發97年門診透析服務品質保證保留款案,http://www.nhi.gov.tw/PDA/BulletinDetail.aspx?No=1169. ,搜尋日期:2015年5月4日。
