  • 學位論文

以策略創業觀點探討品牌策略之發展歷程 ─以 C 集團為例

Exploring Brand Strategies Developing Process from Strategic Entrepreneurship Perspective -The Case of Enterprise Group C

指導教授 : 黃崇興 謝明慧


面臨觀光市場成長趨緩、飯店硬體供過於求以及政府政策限縮陸客的狀況下, 台灣飯店業正處於轉型的關鍵時刻,唯有靠品牌、差異化定位及有效的資源運用 與整合,才能在瞬息萬變的市場上維持不敗的競爭優勢。因此,本研究透過策略 創業觀點,審視企業品牌策略之發展歷程,分析企業特定時期品牌策略發展的原 因,以及會受到那些關鍵因素的影響,並探究企業如何在利用市場機會及運用優 勢資源中形成平衡,提升整體品牌的價值。 本研究將個案公司的品牌策略發展歷程劃分為三個時期,分析個案如何透過 辨識市場機會的探索活動與策略管理資源能力的開發活動,建立品牌的策略、累 積品牌的資產、以及提升品牌的價值。 本研究結果發現,企業發展品牌策略之首要關鍵因素為領導者創業心智與策 略管理資源能力的協同運作、企業發展品牌策略受到市場環境驅動因素與企業資 源整合情境因素的交互循環影響、以及企業發展品牌策略促進機會辨識活動與優 勢利用活動形成平衡。


品牌 品牌組合 策略創業


Taiwan is now approaching the critical moment of transformation for hotel industry, while hotel market faces slowing growth of tourism industry, oversupply of hotel industry and limit of mainland tourists of government policy. And corporate must build sustainable competitive advantage through brand building, differentiated positioning and effective use and integration of resources. Therefore, the research aimed to explore the developing process of brand portfolio from the perspective of strategic entrepreneurship to. The purpose of the research is to investigate the reasons in specific period, the key factors of developing process of brand portfolio, as well as how corporate maximizes the value of brand portfolio by balancing the opportunity-seeking activities and advantage-seeking activities. With three different developing periods, the research focused to understand how corporate build strategies accumulate assets and enhance the value of brand portfolio through both the opportunity-seeking activities and advantage-seeking activities. The research concluded: (a) The collaboration of both entrepreneurial mindset of corporate’s leaders and the ability of managing resources strategically is the essential for the development of brand portfolio. (b) The distinct cyclical interaction of both environmental factors and resources integration is the effect for the development of brand portfolio. (c) The balance of both the opportunity-seeking activities and advantage-seeking activities is the acceleration for the development of brand portfolio.


1. 交通部觀光局行政資訊網:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/。
2. 台北天成大飯店官網:http://www.cosmos-hotel.com.tw/。
1. 林佩璇,2000, 「個案研究及其在教育研究上的應用」,載於中正大學教育學研
