  • 學位論文

從策略創業理論觀點探討企業品牌組合之發展歷程 —以B 集團為例

Exploring Brand Portfolio Development Process by Strategic Entrepreneurship Theory—An example of B Group

指導教授 : 謝明慧


本研究係透過B咖啡公司創業至今已二十二年有餘的個案背景做為研究起點,探討如何從策略創業的觀點再次將企業的品牌重新定位與探討。 目前台灣的咖啡業正處於轉型的關鍵時期,除了運用品牌原有的優勢、市場的差異化定位,再次進行有效的資源分配與整合,才能在瞬息萬變的競爭市場上維持不敗的高峰且立於不敗。所以,在本研究中我們透過策略創業觀點,檢視B公司品牌之發展歷程,分析該企業在不同時期所運用的品牌策略原因為何。同時受到那些關鍵因素的影響,從而探究該企業如何在運用成熟的品牌優勢與及資源中,找到新的市場機會點並切入,因此提升整體品牌的價值。 本研究將個案公司的品牌策略發展歷程劃分為幾個時期,分析B公司如何藉由市場機會的挖掘與探索,加上策略管理資源能力的開發活動,建立品牌的策略、累積品牌的資產建立卓越商譽、以及提升品牌的價值。 在本研究中發現,企業發展品牌策略的第一關鍵因素,為領導者創業理念與策略管理中,資源能力的妥善運作、企業累積之卓越品牌策略驅使消費者容易產生認同感,在新舊世代中對於品牌綜效的認知與接受度形成和諧的平衡。


This purpose of this study is to investigate the brand-reposition decision from the perspective of strategic entrepreneurship of 21-year-old B coffee company. Currently the coffee industry in Taiwan is in the critical transition period. Apart from maintaining current brand power and differentiated position owned by B coffee company, it is essential to integrate and re-allocate the limited resources effectively to retain the leading position in market competition. This study aims to locate the brand value and market opportunities by reviewing the development path of B company from the view of strategic entrepreneurship, analyzing the brand strategies of previous milestones, manipulating brand power and available resources. In this study, the development path of B company is divided in several stages which explains how B company explored market opportunities, built up the brand strategies, implemented brand strategies in marketing events, integrated enterprise resources, and applied founder’s entrepreneurship in brand development process to enhance brand image. The conclusion of the study realizes the key factors of brand development strategies is the entrepreneurship, philosophy, and strategic managing capability of the founders which strongly benefit the execution of resource allocation as well as the brand identities/synergy in senior and young generation.


一. 網路資源部份
1. 國家地理雜誌網: https://www.natgeomedia.com/。
2. 台灣咖啡產業群聚: http://coffee.jddt.com.tw/index.php。
3. 台灣TVBS新聞網: https://news.tvbs.com.tw/world。
4. UDN聯合新網: https://udn.com/news。
