  • 學位論文

品牌電子儀器廠商的事業發展策略 – 以B公司為例

The Business Development Strategy of a Branding Electronics Instrument Company – A Case Study of B Company

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


電子量測儀器為推升電子工業發展不可或缺的重要工具,在電子產品的領域裡,舉凡研究發展、品質管制、生產測試、維修檢測等,都需要使用各種電子量測儀器。電子量測儀器產業是一個成熟產業,這個產業的成長率不高,但是技術密集,需要投入大量的研發資源。在這樣的產業環境裡,企業想要維持它的成長,應該採取何種成長策略? 本研究採用個案研究的方式,分析一家品牌儀器廠商的事業發展策略。透過五力分析模型可以找到產業的關鍵因素,再藉由價值鏈分析企業本身的資源與能力為何。比較產業的四項關鍵因素(產品功能差異化、客戶的品牌忠誠度、低成本設計及高階技術產品)與廠商的做法,探討其如何採取低成本、差異化及購併的策略來做為企業的事業發展策略。 本研究結果發現電子量測儀器產業的產業集中度高,但是廠商的數目也多。近幾年來新進入的廠商不多,產業內廠商間的購併卻時有所聞。品牌儀器商透過購併供應商,往上游垂直整合,有其策略性的意義,可以獲取產品開發及生產資源來強化品牌的操作,建構未來持續成長的組織。 本研究顯示高階儀器產品或特殊應用儀器的銷售模式以直銷為主,品牌儀器商需建立直銷制度、培養直銷人才,以配合這類產品的銷售模式。此外在購併後,品牌儀器商也應關注其管理的問題,才能發揮購併的綜效。


Electronics test and measurement instrument is an important tool to boost the development of the electronics industry. In the electronics field, the test and measurement instrument is required in the activities such as research and development, quality control, production testing and product maintenance, etc. Electronics test and measurement industry is a mature industry. The growth rate of the industry is not high, but it is a technology-intensive industry and requires a lot of R&D resources. In this kind of industry environment, if the company wants to maintain its growth rate, what kind of the growth strategy should be taken? This study used a case study approach to analyze the business development strategy of an own brand instrument company. The key factor of the industry can be found through the five forces analysis model. And, the value chain analysis is used to analyze the company’s resources and capabilities. By comparing the four key factors (product differentiation, customer loyalty, low-cost design and high-end technology products) of the industry and the company’s practices to discuss how the company takes low cost, differentiation and M&A strategies for their business development strategy. The results of this study found that the electronics instrument industry is a highly concentrated industry, but also great number of players inside. In recent years, not many new players entered this industry, but mergers between firms within the industry have been heard often. It has a strategic meaning for an own brand instrument company to merge with its suppliers for the upstream vertical integration. They can acquire the product development and manufacture resources to enhance its brand, and construct the organization for future sustainable growth. This study shows that high-end instrumentation products or special application instruments dominated by direct sales model. Own brand instrument company need to establish direct sales system and develop direct sales personnel to cope with this kind of product sales model. In addition, after the merger, own brand instrument company should also pay attention to the management issues for the synergy.


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