  • 學位論文


Reengineering of the New Product Development Process in the Communications Industry – The Case of Company C

指導教授 : 范錚強


近30年以來資訊普及,電子E化帶動了社會經濟發展的速度,爆炸性的數位元資訊成長與完全透明的網路知識帶來了社會經濟價值觀的融合以及新的商業模式不斷翻新; 在二十一世紀資訊普及化的年代,對於產業也帶來了相當大的改變,產業間強烈的競爭對於新產品開發的時效性要求也越來越高。 完全市場競爭的代工業與品牌商百家爭鳴的情況下,導致各大公司迅速面臨了微利時代的惡性循環競爭。電子產業急於爭取市佔率的強大壓力下,越來越多的公司,將原來傳統思想裏以技術或行銷為主的觀念,轉變為以技術及市場行銷為主而新產品導入的流程管理為主要輔助的全面客戶導向性質的管理模式。而往往新產品導入的過程中,管理的優劣則決定了某公司未來的成敗興衰,開發的時程往往是當中變異最大的一環,也成為目前產業競爭的重要指標。 本文中以新產品導入的流程優化來說在產業上並不是新鮮事,但成功的實施案例並採取總結做為借鏡的總是少數。 以電子通訊業而言為了縮短開發時效更是不可或缺的致勝關鍵要素,以台灣為研發基地,製造轉移大陸生產出貨銷往全球的商業模式在中國大陸三大最快成長的產業當中 ,電子通訊設備是獨占鰲頭。電子產品生命週期在客戶要求以及同業競爭下,汰舊換新的速度平均五年縮短一半,市場每五年就增加一倍,激烈競爭下必須加速開發。 所以本研究針對電子通訊類型產品因製造成本與功能屬性在異地開發做生產導入過程中的研究做為基礎,進行產品導入過程中問題點的解析與研究解決辦法。針對新產品導入過程中的細項流程做解析,並分析其所造成的問題點,利用變形蟲組織配合同步工程在導入的主要階段做切入,每次完成的階段目標後,釋放專案小組,重組新的專案小組,原有的成員回到部門工作轉為功能導向,新的組織成員進入做目標導向,承接一階段的任務定義 再以流程面~工作項目展開同步工程進行推動,藉以達到加快市場導入的效果。


The past three decades have witnessed an explosive proliferation of information and communications technologies (ICT). These involved changes in technology, product, Applications , management practice, as well as business models. The ICT industry as a whole has also encountered considerable changes. Intense competition within the industry results in new demands for shorter cycle times for new product development. Under escalating competition, the electronics industry faced with thinner profit margin. Many companies are forced to switch from marketing-orientation to customer-orientation, emphasizing more on new product introduction process management, which becomes one of the important factors affecting competitiveness of a manufacturing company. New product development time has become a critical success factor for producers of communications related products. Many of these companies have a home base in Taiwan, focusing in research and development, coupled with production facilities in Mainland China. These telecommunications equipment industry is among the three fastest growing industries in China. In general, the life cycle of electronic products has shortened by half every five years, while the market size double in the same five-year period. Speeding up new product development becomes critical. This study looks into the challenge of new product development processes for Company C in the Communications industry. It is a typical distributed company spanning across the Taiwanese Straits. This study examines its new product development process and proposes changes in terms of organization structure (taking the form of organic organization), parallel processes, concurrent engineering. Pilot run of the proposal reveals that the cycle time has been effectively reduced.


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