  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文賢


摘 要 由於海峽兩岸的通商,企業基於全球運籌管理及製造業人工成本等考量,台灣企業多把大量製造的基地設立在中國大陸,而把產值較高的研發與銷售留在台灣,企業對於兩岸三地企業資訊系統的整合需求更加殷切。因此,如何有效建置解決方案,以符合企業需求因而成為企業高階管理人員另一個難題。因此本研究試圖藉由個案研究的模式,從企業採用ERP 系統對於兩岸三地的解決方案所應考慮的因素。本文僅對於台商於整合兩岸三地企業資訊時,在製造配銷方面常所面臨的問題做一探討,並說明ERP系統導入所帶來的效益。對製造業而言,料號、材料表、訂單、採購單是整合的開端,亦是整合的基礎與重點所在。藉由ERP系統的導入,以解決台商於兩岸三地企業資訊所面臨的問題,並由製造配銷的整合,提昇集團財務會計的整合度,使集團能即時掌握各公司的狀況,有效率的產生合併報表與各類資訊,以全盤且即時掌握企業資訊,並即時反應多變的市場狀況,以因應全球化的競爭。 關鍵字: 企業資源規劃(ERP)


Abstract Due to the fact that trading activities occurring across the Taiwan Strait is becoming more and more frequent and important. When compare with arising costs for local manpower, land, and so on with Mainland China, many Taiwan industries have started to move their main production factories to Mainland China and have kept higher output value activities such as sales and R&D in Taiwan. Thus, the enterprise is more earnest regarding information integration between Taiwan and Mainland China. In this case, how effectively it establishes the solution that conforms to the enterprise demand has become one of the difficult problems that confronts high administrative personals. This article makes a discussion regarding issues that need to be considered when Taiwanese businessmen integrate enterprise information covering Three Parties Across Strait when using the ERP system. Furthermore, this research provides a solution various case studies in which the companies often encounter issues such as the consolidation of sales order, finance, accounting, manufacturing, inventory and purchasing. From consolidation the enterprise can access the information immediately, and quickly response to changing market conditions in accordance with global competition. Keywords: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)


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