  • 學位論文


A Study on the Structural Changes of Automobile Supply Chain and the Strategies of Taiwanese Auto Parts Manufactures

指導教授 : 李吉仁


通用汽車的一階零組件廠商-Delphi,於2005年10月時宣佈申請破產保護,成為美國史上最大宗的汽車破產案件,因此引起業界的高度討論。此外,三大車廠在美國的總市占率從2001年的72%一路下滑至2005年的56.6%,取而代之的則為以豐田為首的日本、歐洲及韓國車廠。 台灣為全球汽車零組件售後維修市場之最大出口國,佔有8成市占率,但是對於國際OEM卻遲遲不得其門而入,在新興國家的技術持續提昇之下,原先的市場空間已逐漸遭逢挑戰。本研究即以Delphi破產的事件作為時空背景,深入探討什麼原因造成美國汽車產業當今的危機?為了因應此危機,供應鏈結構將會如何轉變?而此轉變又會對台灣汽車零組件廠商帶來何種衝擊以及經營契機? 本研究以「供應商關係理論」作為主要分析基礎,比較美國與日本車廠供應鏈模式之異同,進而認為美國車廠未來勢必將從臂長式供應鏈模式轉化為夥伴式供應鏈模式,而大幅縮減供應商數量、保持長期合作關係則是在策略上的變革;從「雙螺旋理論」可以了解,在汽車供應鏈持續解構的過程中,大型零組件廠商模式仍是未來零組件供應商提昇競爭力的必要途徑,因此,台灣廠商在遭逢新興國家價格競爭的同時,零組件廠商應當思考如何延伸其售後維修市場的能耐,藉由垂直整合、提供完整解決方案以進入國際OEM,而近年美國汽車供應鏈模式的轉變,正好為台灣與世界接軌的大好時機。最後,在考量整車廠創新的需求、汽車電子的產品特性、台灣的產業優勢以及地理限制之後,本研究認為Telematics是台灣發展汽車電子之良好切入點。


Delphi, General Motor’s tier one auto-part manufacturer, went bankruptcy in October of 2005. This is the largest bankruptcy case in the American automobile industry, which attracted substantial attention and discussion in the field. In addition, the total market share of the Big-3 in North America has dropped from 72% in 2001 to 56.6% in 2005, while Japanese, European, and Korean automakers, led by Toyota, grabbed the market vacancy. Taiwan is the leading exporter of auto parts in the world; however, it has not yet joined in the international OEM supply system for the major car makers, despite its 80% share of the after sales market. Furthermore, the original customer base is gradually being challenged by the continuous technological development of emerging nations. Starting from the event of Delphi’s bankruptcy, this study attempts to examine the following issues: What caused this crisis in the American automobile industry? How will the supply chain structure change? What are the impacts and opportunities for Taiwanese auto parts industries given the structural change? We first undertook the perspective of supplier relationship management to evaluate the differences between the American and Japanese auto supply chains. This research concludes that American automakers will surely shift from arm’s length type of supply chain model to the partnership one. Strategy changes include: cutting down the number of suppliers and keeping long-turn relationship. The Double Helix model proves that during the de-integration of the auto supply chain, the mega supplier business model is still the necessary way to strengthen the competence. When price competition from the players of emerging nations put pressure on the Taiwanese producers, auto-part firms should concentrate on entering the international OEM by leveraging existing competence in the after market, integrating vertically, and providing total solution. In recent years, the transformation of automobile supply chain offers a great opportunity for Taiwanese firms to develop a relationship with the international market. Considering the automakers’ need of innovation, the product characteristics of automotive electronics, the industry advantages for Taiwan, and the limits of national geography, we suggest that telematics is an attractive entry area for Taiwanese firms.




