  • 學位論文


Effects of Photoperiod, Low Temperature Storage and Gibberellic Acids on Growth and Flowering of Lavandula spp.

指導教授 : 張育森


本試驗擬探討暗期中斷、低溫貯藏及激勃素對狹葉薰衣草‘Munstead’(Lavandula angustifolia Mill. ‘Munstead’)、甜薰衣草(L. heterophylla)以及齒葉薰衣草(L. dentata)在生長與開花方面之影響,近一步評估利用這三種方法進行花期調節之可行性。   利用鎢絲燈在晚間10點至翌日凌晨2點對三種薰衣草進行暗期中斷處理。狹葉薰衣草‘Munstead’在進行暗期中斷處理後,其株高上升、花下節數減少,花朵開放日期則會因環境不同而出現不同程度的提早,花穗數以及花穗長度也有增加的趨勢;而在第二次試驗中,雖未明顯增加株高及花穗長度,但其花穗數大量的提高。暗期中斷處理也會增加甜薰衣草的株高,提早花朵開放時間,並使其具有較長的花穗。而齒葉薰衣草則與前述兩者之反應較為不同,其對暗期中斷處理無較明確之反應。試驗結果顯示薰衣草屬不同種之間對光週的反應有明顯的種間差異。   將薰衣草插穗進行5℃黑暗貯藏分別0至8週,自冷藏庫取出後扦插4週以觀察其生長之變化。結果顯示隨著貯藏時間的增加,三種薰衣草的可溶性糖及澱粉含量皆出現下降之情形,隨著耐貯藏度的不同,其插穗存活率、扦插後存活率、發根率及乾重皆有不同程度的下降,但甜薰衣草及齒葉薰衣草在貯存8週及6週後,在插穗存活率及扦插後存活率方面尚能保有不錯的表現,顯示此一方法仍可應用於盆苗之產期調節。低溫雖可促進薰衣草開花,但仍需給予適宜的貯藏環境維持插穗的活力及植體內養份含量,方能進一步探討低溫貯藏對薰衣草開花之影響。   激勃素(gibberellins或gibberellic acids, GAs)是一種普遍存在於植物體內的內生荷爾蒙,在非誘導環境下GAs可取代一些二年生或多年生植物的部份春化作用與低溫需求,本試驗利用不同濃度GAs、GAs生合成抑制劑,以及在不同環境溫度下施用GAs,探討GAs對薰衣草生長與開花之影響。試驗結果顯示GA3可明顯促進狹葉薰衣草‘Munstead’及甜薰衣草株高生長,施用GAs生合成抑制劑PP333於狹葉薰衣草亦出現明顯的抑制生長作用;施用低濃度GA3於狹葉薰衣草‘Munstead’及甜薰衣草之花芽均未見明顯促進開花之作用,但施用PP333則延長狹葉薰衣草‘Munstead’的到開花日數,且兩種薰衣草之花穗長度皆受抑制,顯示GAs在開花過程之重要性;將甜薰衣草栽培在相對高溫環境下(30/25℃、25/20℃)其生長勢明顯較佳,但未有開花現象,相對低溫(20/15℃、15/12℃)之環境明顯有利於花芽形成,在低於生長適溫的情況下施用GAs則可提早可見花苞出現、到開花時間、以及花穗長度,顯示GAs雖未促進花芽分化,但在某些特定的情況下可有效促進花芽發育;不同種類的GAs中,GA3對甜薰衣草生長和花芽發育之促進效果明顯優於GA4+7 或與GA4+7相近。GAs在部分情況下可促進甜薰衣草的開花,但適用濃度以及時機仍需進一步試驗來探討,方能正確判斷利用GAs對薰衣草花期調節之可能性。


光週 低溫貯藏 激勃素 薰衣草


The objectives of this study were to discuss the effects of night interruption (NI), low temperature storage, and gibberellic acids (GAs) on growth and flowering of Lavandula andustifolia, L. heterophylla, and L. dentata, then to evaluate the potential of controlling the flowering period.   A NI provided by tungsten lamps was treated to lavenders at 22:00 to 02:00. After NI, plant heights, the number of inflorescences, and lengths of inflorescences of L. andustifolia ‘Munstead’ were increased, and the number of nodes counted at flowering and days to flowering were reduced. Although plant heights and lengths of inflorescences were not promoted in Exp. 2, the number of inflorescences was greatly increased. The NI also increased plant heights and length of inflorescences and advanced the flowering date of L. heterophylla, but it was feckless to L. dentata. There were differences in responses to NI among the species under the genus Lavandula.   Lavender cuttings were stored in 5℃ under dark condition for 0-8 weeks separately. After storage, cuttings were planted for 4 weeks to observe the effects of cold storage on growth. As the duration of low temperature storage increased, the content of soluble sugar and starch on three species of lavenders decreased. As the result of different storage-tolerance, the surviving rate, the root emergence rate, and cutting dry weight were decreased in different degree. However, L. heterophylla and L. dentata still had higher percentage of surviving cuttings and surviving percentage after planting after 8 weeks and 6 weeks storage, respectively. It means that this method could be applied to regulating the commercial production. Although low temperature was found to be able to promote the flowering of lavenders, appropriate storage condition is necessary to maintain the capability of growth and the nutrient of cuttings. Thus, the effects of low temperature storage on the flowering of lavender cuttings can be further discussed.   Gibberellic acids are an intrinsic plant growth regulator that generally exists in plants. It can partially replace the role of vernalization and cold requirement of some biennials and perennials in non-inductive condition. To discuss the effects of GAs on growth and flowering of lavender, different concentration of GAs and GAs synthetic inhibitors was applied with the combination of different temperatures when applying GAs in this experiment. Results of the experiment showed that plant heights of L. angustifolia ‘Munstead’ and L. heterophylla were promoted by applying GA3, and plant heights of L. angustifolia ‘Munstead’ were significantly inhibited by applying GAs synthetic inhibitor. Applying low concentration of GA3 on the flower buds of L. angustifolia ‘Munstead’ and L. heterophylla didn’t facilitate flowering. However, days to flowering of L. angustifolia ‘Munstead’ were increased and lengths of inflorescences were reduced by spraying PP333. It indicates the importance of GAs in the flowering process of lavenders. Lavendula heterophylla showed more vigor while being grown under relatively high temperature (30/25℃、25/20℃) but never flowered till the end of the experiment. The relative low temperature condition (20/15℃、15/12℃) was beneficial to flower initiation of lavenders. When being applied under the temperature lower than the ideal condition, GAs advanced the time of visible bud appearance and flowering, and increased the lengths of inflorescences. The result showed that GAs was incapable of promoting flower initiation, but it could induce the flower development in some specific condition. Among the various GAs, GA3 had better or similar influence of promoting growth and flower development than GA4+7 on L. heterophylla. GAs could promote the flowering of L. heterophylla in some specific circumstances. Further researches are necessary to determine the most effective concentration and timing of GAs usage to lavenders, and to evaluate the potential of controlling the flowering period.


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