  • 學位論文


A study on the slopeland community disaster cases and the history of it’s regulation to discuss the future management

指導教授 : 林銘郎


台灣地區總面積僅約三萬六千平方公里,平地僅約百分之26%,山坡地約占百分之74%適供發展之土地有限,在都會區內土地昂貴,取得不易,乃競向坡地謀求發展,然而山坡限於地形、地質、水文、土壤、生態等自然特性,民國六十年後,隨著開發案件增加,山坡地自然災害頻率與規模相對遽增,造成人民生命財產重大損失者,有賀伯、芭比絲、溫妮、象神及納莉等颱風所造成順向坡滑動、崩塌、土石流等災變,其中八十六年八月十八日汐止林肯大郡擋土牆崩塌造成二十八人罹難,五十人輕重傷及八十戶房屋全毀,八十八年九二一集集大地震,造成車籠埔斷層沿線二二七四人死亡,三十八人失蹤,建築物四八八八四戶全倒,三七二九五戶半倒,其中數十個山坡地社區受損,僅大坑風景區房屋五八六戶全倒,二六五戶半倒,霧峰鄉房屋全倒二七九九戶,半倒一九五○戶,損失巨大,傷亡慘重。受損原因大致可分邊坡滑落、震損、斷層錯動、順向坡滑動、地層下陷、土壤液化或地基流失,致建築物毀損或傾斜,等天然及人為因素。 政府為加強山坡地社區開發管理,促進土地合理使用,維護公共安全,確保建築及居住環境之品質,全面推行開發許可制度,雖於七十二年七月訂頒「山坡地開發建築管理辦法」,規定開發面積須在十公頃以上,申請開發者應擬定開發建築計畫,由地方政府會同水土保持等相關機關,專家學者會同審查。若需挖填土石或雜項工作物者需詳訂施工計畫申領雜項執照。七十九年配合山坡地保育條例修正,防止化整為零開發,修正開發面積未達十公頃者亦應申請開發許可。八十六年三月又配合環境影響評估法、水土保持法,八十三、八十五年修訂而再作修正,然而雖法規規範日趨繁備,管理多元,惟僅著重開發許可、建築執照部分,對於投資人(開發者)、建築師、大地技師等專業行為人之責任,基地調查、規劃、設計、施工、管理維護、監測、防災救災、更新等缺一套不斷回饋修正機制,乃發生林肯大郡、大坑、霧峰等山坡地社區之災難,本研究以研究每一災害發生原因進行研究提出根本解決之道,研擬一套山坡地社區開發建築管理維護條例,以統一管理將山坡地社區規劃與管制合一,生態環境永續發展,提供多樣化之建築形式及防災安全之公共空間與設施,永保優美之居住品質。


With the prompt socioeconomic development of Taiwan, the urban population was growing fast, and the land use was an urgent necessity day by day. That made the land development for use to turn to the slope land development and building. But the land development and building lacked of the building regulation in early years in arbitrary development caused a lot of improper use or exceeding development of slope land, so the damage of the slope land development and building were with considerable frequency. That had a great influence on the property and daftly of people. The components of the natural condition of the slope land which are terrain, geology and water etc, are complicated. The slope land is different from the gradual terrain in the ways of development and building. So they must regulate and control by the building regulation procedures of development permits and assorted items permits, building permits expecting to guide the right way of development and building and establish the model of the slope land development and building. Today the slope land development and building was according to the rules of the slope land development and building regulation which issued of February the fourteenth, 1990 by the Department of Interior. However, it involved in many ways. For example, how to deal with the development area of slope land where personal land around the active faults changes into developed circumscription, it will affect the people rights and interests critically. The restricted policy is necessarily for damage decreasing. Therefore we should address the administrable mechanisms of active fault developed circumscription, and we can understand how to protect, our property. The research anticipates the slope land development and building regulation will be more complete by studying the concept, principle system, and rules of the slope land development and building to avoid the civil servants of Building and Management making mistakes when they approbate the development permits and building permits.


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