  • 學位論文


Recreating New Urban Lifescape: A Case Study of Art Exhibition for the Street District around the Museum of Contemporary Art ,Taipei

指導教授 : 蔡厚男


過往的都市規劃理論常將人們真實的日常生活邊緣化,忽視如何從生活的向度介入都市的構築。如何喚醒人們對生活價值的建構與自我認同,透過藝術策展進行社會介入,建立起居民、政府與在地空間的對話是一個即時可行的策略。   藝術長久以來作爲引發人們思考的觸媒、具有發展前瞻性的社會想像、提出社會批判與關懷的作用,如果用技術性的語言來說明,藝術就是一種催化民眾思考的工具。藝術策展可以是一種介入城市生活的方式,而策展過程中發生的一系列擾動,都是針對當下社會與都市空間的一種實驗性對話、透過藝術策展的方式來探索城市問題的解答,並藉由策展觸發民眾對都市環境的想像。可以說藝術策展在都市規劃中乃是一種軟性的策略工具,具有機動性與彈性,適合運用於有爭議性的都市政策先期研究,獲得民眾對生活環境的真實期望。   然而所有藝術策展皆有其時間性,一旦策展結束過後,提供思考的媒介消失,在地空間能否延續策展的精神、持續投注熱情於生活環境的事務中;策展如何整合資源與在地空間做連結,在策展過後發揮剩餘價值,把這些價值轉化爲在地衍生的動力;這些命題本研究都將透過數個藝術街區先例分析,歸納出以戶外藝術策展介入街區、既而形塑街區性格的操作模式,並以個案研究的方式,探討在地生活街區與藝術策展的互動關係,以及藝術介入街區空間的機制。   當代藝術館作爲台北市的藝術中心,負有關懷社會、提升空間文化涵養的責任與使命感;其周邊街區座落流行餐飲、百貨公司、傳統小吃、老舊建築及歷史古蹟,有著異質文化拼貼而成的地景特殊性,是以本研究選定當代藝術館周邊街區作爲個案研究範圍,探討戶外藝術策展作爲「藝術介入空間」的模式與機制。


「Urban people how to live」?The discussion has never been contemplated in urban planning and landscape architecture. Though we concerned with traffic、TDR、Land use zoning、culture, we didn’t discuss about appearance of city on scale of daily life. Master planning theory into the core of urban planning and people’s truly daily life are marginalized. This is the most helpless of all cities are facing problems under globalization. Life is not only the basic necessities of life. People need to think. Modern art is the medium which caused people to think. Through art exhibitions for social policy intervention, established connect of residents and the government and the local space to awaken people to their own understanding of the value of life and recognition, which is a viable strategy for real-time. However, art exhibitions will not regularly to hold. Once the exhibitions ended, the media provide food for thought disappeared. It needs a strategy that how local space Continuation of the spirit of the exhibition, concerned with daily life. How exhibitions to integrate resources and local space, to play the residual value of exhibitions, and put into the power of production of local space? Former exhibitions as a garden which artist chose flowers planted in. People can only passively be given opportunities to participate. Today's exhibitions as a garden which curators provide a fertile ground for people who participated in to decide which kind of flowers they expect to see. That’s Right! It must be bottom up from residents to determine their own lifescape. This study will use a number of social/spatial intervention cases of arts exhibitions, and foreign well-known art community planning case, put forward a new urban lifescape planning strategy.


lifescape art exhibit planning strategy


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朱欣儀(2013)。藝術介入空間之觀察與研究— 藝術介入空間之觀察與研究—以臺北當代藝術館〈地下實驗‧創意秀場〉計畫為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2013.00298
