  • 學位論文


A Research on Knowledge Management in Engineering Industry -CTCI Corporation as an Example

指導教授 : 曹承礎


工程產業是屬於知識密集的服務業,每件工程都倚賴相當多的專業經驗去完成。過去知識的來源大多來自書籍或文件傳遞,因此在知識的分享及傳播有相當大的限制。隨著資訊科技的進步,使得知識的取得成本降低,傳播的速度變快,分享的對象隨著網際網路的發達變的無遠弗屆。台灣的工程產業早期引進西方的技術來協助國內重大工程建設,但隨著國內經濟起飛,許多工程業者也逐漸茁壯,也開始進行接手國外的大型工程專案。因此,全球專業分工所需要的知識管理機制,專業知識的傳遞,以及員工知識的促進成長與分享已是這些跨國業者刻不容緩的重要議題。 自1996年OECD發表「知識經濟報告」,認為以知識為本之經濟即將改變全球經濟發展型態後,「知識經濟」(Knowledge-based economic)已成為當前熱門的話題與時代精神。在知識經濟與全球化的運作機制下,國與國之間的分野必將模糊化、大型企業必將逐漸國際化,跨國的資源流動勢必更為頻繁,各個地域企業組織參與國際合作的事務之機會勢必日益增多,傳統部門分野或相互抗衡的舊觀念將逐漸被打破,代之而起的是尋找各行動主體共同的溝通基礎-「知識」,並以知識管理為跨國公司各部門的整合中心。 「知識經濟」已是西方經濟強權國家在全球化基礎下走出的道路,尤其美國過去近十年的經濟榮景便是以知識經濟取得優勢。我國企業起步雖不若西方國家早,但如欲加入全球化知識經濟運作體系中,使得知識管理的能力將成為重要的致勝因素,其中較具挑戰的是企業如何建構「知識管理平台」,使得知識管理概念可以運用到整體企業的公司治理架構上,同時如何推動跨國性企業組織學習,減少重複性的學習,以落實知識共享的原則。這些挑戰已成為企業領導人最重視的課題。 因此本研究將以中鼎工程公司為研究對象,研究如何建構知識管理平台建構的程序,知識管理平台在企業有何應用?以及導入知識管理績效衡量為何?除此之外,面對全球化競爭之下,如何從知識管理績效衡量結果,了解推動成效。並研擬改善知識管理的策略,以強化企業體質,這是本研究重要課題。本研究歸納結果將有助於相關產業的業者推動知識管理之參考,並期望提供個案公司作為推廣知識管理之依據。


The Engineering Industry is one of the knowledge-intensive service industries which required lots of professional experiences to achieve each project. In the old days, such professional knowledge might be collected from book or documents and could be very limited in sharing and spreading wise. Nowadays, with Information Technology’s fast growing and internet’s widely used, knowledge sharing became low cost, fast speed and distance free. The Construction Engineering Industry in Taiwan used to follow the westerner’s knowledge to work, but, now they can take on the big construction projects overseas after the growing phase. Therefore, the knowledge management mechanism is an important subject required immediate attention for these multi-national enterprises in order to share professional engineering knowledge and improve its employees’ skills. OECD (ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT) issued the “Knowledge-based Economy Report” in year 1996 and its contents indicates the form of economical development will be changed dramatically depends on ones’ knowledge power. Hence, the “Knowledge-based Economy” is the hottest subject and a new era’s principle. In order to globalize, all enterprises must work with multi-national resources, including its regional divisions. The old-fashioned way of individual fighting will be replaced with new common communication base: Knowledge. The department of Knowledge Management will be the integration center of all multi-national enterprises as well as one of the winning factors in global competition. In Taiwan, the key challenge is to build a common platform for Knowledge Management for a company and let the principle of maximizing the power of Knowledge management applied to every level within. Meanwhile, how to implement the organizational learning internally to reduce the repeating process of learning and fulfill the principle of knowledge sharing. This research will be base on a real case study of CTCI Corp. on its process of building a knowledge management platform and its real practice of KM. How was its KM performance? Other than that, when facing the global completion, how to evaluate the key performance indicator of such knowledge management towards a company? In the end, we will provide strategies of improvement after analysis for them to enhance its core competition. The summary of this research will be a good reference for all industries that performing knowledge management.


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