  • 學位論文


The History and the Art of Keelung Lin-Chuen Temple during the Japanese Rule Period.

指導教授 : 顏娟英


靈泉寺位於基隆月眉山中,開創於日治初期,並為延續至今的「四大法脈」中最早開山者。靈泉寺的建立,有賴當地紳商與日本曹洞宗支持,逐步發展,成為日治時期北部道場之一。目前寺方仍存有大正與昭和年間所建立的佛殿、開山堂以及靈泉三塔,其建築與造像結合新、舊文化,反映出主事者重視修持佛法與吸引世人眼光的功能性。且身處於逐步邁向近代社會的臺灣,當時的建築政策與技能,確實影響著設計者的思考。設計者依據不同建築的使用功能,給予各自不同的外表,將「兼顧傳統與近代的寺院」的形象傳達給民眾。 第一代住持江善慧,扮演著靈泉寺開創者、設計者等重要角色。更重要的是,他領導寺內僧眾與基隆地區信徒,在臺灣政權更迭之後,為開同胞之覺路,推廣臺灣佛學教育的基礎。江善慧以傳統為體,新知為用,為日治時期的臺灣佛教作了許多創舉,提升靈泉寺的宗教地位。同時加入詩社、與當地廟宇合作,結交新時代知識份子,有助於推廣靈泉寺的名聲,使靈泉寺不僅代表臺灣的「模範叢林」,也是雅集名所的重要景點。


Locating on the Mt. Yue Mei in Keelung, Lin-Chuen Temple is the first temple established in the turning point of 20th century within four main influential temples that continue today. The initial of the temple is not only reliant on the local Taiwanese business group, but also strongly supported by Caodong School in Japan; both forces laid down the leading role of the temple in Northern Taiwan. In present day, three buildings of temple architecture that constructed in Taishō and Shōwa period remained, including Buddha hall, Kai–Shan-Tang and Lin-Chuen Three Towers. Its compromised style reflected the dual functions of the temple: doing daily dharma practice and attracting public attention. While the society became more and more modern, the architectural policy and technique at the time did affected the way of designing. The temple’s designer, who fitted different buildings with specific appearance in regard to its functions, tried to establish an image of Lin-Chuan Temple that is both traditional and modern. ShanHui Jiang, the first abbot of Lin-Chuen Temple, played the vital role of founding and designing the temple. He led the monks and believers in Keelung spreading Buddhist education to Taiwanese in a time when Japanese authority has not fully controlled its colony Taiwan; moreover, he joined the Ying Club, cooperated with the other local temples, and associated with new intellectuals. All of the social networking therefore raised the status of Lin-Chuen Temple, fashioning Lin-Chuen Temple not only a model temple but also the famous place in Taiwan.


臺灣銀行經濟研究室,《臺灣遊記 觀光遊記》臺北:臺灣銀行,1960。
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