  • 學位論文

台灣傳統性產業的企業在大陸地區經營之變革與再造 —華澤公司之個案研究

A Change and Re-engineering of Traditional Taiwan Enterprise in Mainland China Case of HUAZE PLASTIC GOODS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD.

指導教授 : 黃崇興




The main business of Huaze Plastic Goods (Shenzhen) is producing and selling electric inflation water sports goods and beach leisure goods. It has been operating in Mainland China for twenty years based on its business experiences in Taiwan and continuous support from its long time customer’s base. However, the intensive infrastructure build up and sweet economic policy by government at Hwa-Dong area, which include Jiangsu, Shanghai,Zhejian, promote this area’s industry competitiveness against Hwa-Nan area. In last few years, setback of global economy, production quality slipping, material cost rising, as well as direct labor shortage in coast area make traditional industry face a fundamental structure problem. In order to take this environmental change into consideration and also take this situation as a general issue for traditional manufacturing business, this study explore the endeavor Huaze is taking to reinvent its culture, organization and strategy for better sustainability.


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[5]黃邦寧 (2010) 企業流程再造之建構模式研究
