  • 學位論文


Economic Evaluation of Ecosystem Services for a Liugongjun Segment in NTU Campus

指導教授 : 駱尚廉


邁入二十一世紀,全球逐漸走入都市化,近年來,由於生態系統受到全球都市化的影響造成嚴重的環境汙染以及生態破壞,導致氣候變遷異常、糧食危機、水資源缺乏、地震火山頻傳等環境問題產生,全球開始重視環境保護及生態復育,許多學者藉由生態系統服務(Ecosystem services, ES)的量化價值,作為政府決策的一項參考依據。全世界都市生態復育案例不乏先例,像是較早的日本多摩川、韓國清溪川、台灣曹公圳等都是都市生態復育的案例,本研究以瑠公圳台大段復育計畫為主要研究案例,將時空背景分為2000年、2020年兩種時期,運用國際間廣泛使用的生態系統服務量化工具InVEST 模式( Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs )對調節服務、供給服務、支持服務進行模擬分析,並加以貨幣化。另外在文化服務方面,以精神與靈感、自然生態、文化遺跡、景觀美學、遊憩空間、校園文化、科研教育等七項為基礎,運用問卷調查法進行訪問、問卷發送,並將結果SPSS( Statistical Product and Services Solutions )進行統計分析,本研究結果發現瑠公圳復育計畫之生態系統服務價值主要為文化服務,在供給服務、調節服務、支持服務方面由於環境變化並沒有較大的改變,整體的生態系統服務方面貢獻較小,瑠公圳復育計畫總生態系統服務價值達3億5千4百14萬餘元。


Moving toward the 21st century, urbanisation is a global trend. Urbanisation impacts ecosystem further leads to environmental pollution and ecological degradation, which includes climate change, food and energy crisis, water resources shortage, earthquake and volcanic risk. Environment protection and ecology restoration have caused urgent attention. Many researches quantify ecosystem services (ES) valuation as an important reference for policy decision making. Successful examples of restoration project in rivers and streams of urban area including Tamagawa river in Janpan, Cheonggyecheon steam in korea, Caogongjun in Taiwan. This research takes Liugongjun Segment in NTU campus as a case study. We aim to assess ecosystem services under scenarios of current state (2000) and alternative state(2020). InVEST model (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) was adopt to assess monetary value of regulating services, supporting services, and provisioning services. Cultural services assessment is based on questionaire survey and is analyzed by SPSS (Statistical Product and Services Solutions), including spirit and inspiration, natural ecology, historical remains, recreation, environmental education, landscaped aesthetics, campus culture services. The result shows cultural services contribute the most than the other services. In contrast, provisioning services, supporting services, and regulating services presents relatively fewer contribution. The total ecosystem services value of Liugongjun Segment in NTU campus restoration was almost N.T. 300 millions.


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