  • 學位論文


A Study of Business Model and Value Proposition to Explore Key Successful Factors of Shopee

指導教授 : 陳家麟


回顧台灣網路購物歷史,自從 2002 年 Yahoo 奇摩拍賣上線後越來越多網路購物 平台出現,國人也越來越依賴網路購物,不管是使用人數、年齡層都逐年擴增。儘 管發展蓬勃,但卻沒有一家平台業者像跨境電商—蝦皮購物能夠成長的如此快速。 本研究主要目的為探究蝦皮購物在短期內取得大量消費者信賴、對深耕已久的台 灣網購平台業者造成威脅的主要因素,並透過比較最積極反擊蝦皮購物、同樣瞄準 C2C 拍賣市場的競爭對手—台灣網購龍頭 PChome 旗下的商店街個人賣場,探討 台灣網購業者策略、介面、功能的改善空間。 本研究使用個案研究法,並使用多重方法收集資料,包括參考次級資料整理出商 業模式圖、半結構式的電話訪談收集使用者對於蝦皮購物以及各大網路購物平台 的使用經驗分享、也透過親自成為平台上的買賣家實際體驗顧客痛點,最後再依 Alex Osterwalder 在《價值主張年代》中提出的「價值主張圖」,整理出使用者的 「顧客素描」,並與個案企業的「價值地圖」做適配,期望能因此得到解答。最後 綜合適配結果、次級資料整理與兩者商業模式與策略比較,得出結論為蝦皮因「抓 住網購使用者購物行為改變的契機」、「提供一個真正由使用者角度出發的平台」、 「靈活的商業模式與行銷手法持續維持平台高流量」,因而創造出共榮共生的生態 圈,成為維持平台持續成長的動力。此外,本研究也針對個人賣場適配未成功的結 果提出改善方法,包括「利用顧客回饋設立平台賣家管理制度與整合旗下網購平 台」、「加強平台導流」等。最後也提出綜觀世界各大知名網路購物平台後的結論, 以發展未來趨勢分析。


The earliest online shopping platform is the Yahoo! Auction in 2002, and from then there were more and more online shopping platforms and online shopping also became a popular shopping way gradually. Although there were so many online shopping platforms in Taiwan, when it comes to the growth rate and popularity, no one could compare with Shopee which comes from Singapore in 2015 and became the top mobile online shopping platform within 3 years. The purpose of this thesis is to explore why Shopee could defeat domestic online shopping platforms and got so many users in such short time. Besides, compare Shoppe with its most aggressive component– PChome Store Seller at the same time and explore what domestic platforms could improve. First, the study briefly introduces products, features and strategies of these two companies, and then used “business model canvas” (Osterwalder, 2010) to visualize their profit models to compare their differences. Furthermore, to understand user’s inner thoughts and see whether the products PChome and Shopee provided could really meet user’s needs, in the following step we also used “value proposition canvas” (Osterwalder, 2015) to construct the online shopping users’ profiles and fit it with both companies. IV From the result of above analysis, we propose there are three reasons Shopee could gain so many users. First, it catches the right moment to enter the market and fill the gap, and then it provides an App which could meet customer needs than its components. Finally, its flexible business model and marketing strategies help it sustain high flows and cause positive circulations. And we also provide some solutions and suggestions which PChome or domestic platforms could take to improve their products. At the end of the thesis, we analyze trends of online shopping platforms development in the future including the most powerful components of online shopping platforms will probably be social networking platforms like Facebook or Instagram、technology AI and big data is the most important tool for online shopping platforms to cause differences.


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朱桂東(2012)。PCHOME 之顧客關係、服務品質與品牌形象相關之研究,國立臺灣大學管理學院碩士在職專班商學組 碩士論文
季晶晶(譯)(2015)。價值主張年代(原作者:Alex Osterwalder、Yves Pigneur、Greg Bernarda、Alan Smith)。台北:天下雜誌。
