  • 學位論文

電商造節行銷對消費者衝動購買行為影響研究 —以蝦皮購物為例

Research on Impulse Buying Behavior during Shopping Carnival: The Case of Shopee

指導教授 : 白佩玉


電商造節是近幾年來十分成功、且對電商平台訂單及業績影響極大的行銷方式,消費者在此情境氛圍的塑造下,更容易產生衝動購買的行為。 自 2020 年始,蝦皮購物推出「月月造節」活動,以吸引更多賣家及消費者共襄盛舉。研究者以蝦皮購物的造節行銷為研究情境,探討台灣的網購消費者於造節期間產生衝動購買行為的影響因素,例如:平台的哪些操作手法能夠促發衝動購買行為。本研究透過深度訪談及研究者個人的觀察分析發現:多數消費者皆以手機作為購物媒介,平常即非常容易接觸蝦皮的行銷手法、促銷訊息。蝦皮利用行銷刺激及大量的商品、促銷組合曝光,促成消費者產生衝動購買的慾望,若此消費者在購物時擁有相對較短的思索購買反應時間、缺少先見之明且未經深思熟慮的快速購買行動等衝動特質,便會產生衝動購買之慾望進而做出非計畫內的購物行為。 然而值得注意的是,當近年來網購平台業者造節的頻率日漸增高,從過去的一年僅有一兩次的大型促銷活動(如雙 11 購物節),演變至月月造節,如此頻繁的造節行銷手法,平台在思考其未來行銷方針思量時,仍須思考:稀有感的創造、造節預算投入與節慶成效的差異及平台有限資源的分配取捨。


Shopping carnival is a saucerful marketing strategy to enhance order and GMV for E-commerce (EC) platforms. Besides, in this scenario, customers are more easily to purchase more than usual and even shop impulsively. From 2020, “Shopee” started to create its own shopping carnival monthly to raise the awareness of customers and sellers. This research is going to discuss about the marketing strategy of shopping carnival to motivate the customer behavior of impulse buying in the case of Shopee. After research by depth interviews and literature review, we discovered that most customer shopped online via mobile and they reach easily to the marketing strategies and promotion information from Shopee. In this case, Shopee takes a good use of marketing stimuli to raise the urge of impulse buying from customers, Hence, if customers have the traits of quick response and taking action without thinking while seeing promotion, they will have lots of chances to shop impulsively. However, we still discovered that if EC platforms use shopping carnival as strategies too often, customers may get used to the promotion and lower the urge to buy impulsively. As a result, for future development, EC platforms should take these into consideration: creating scarcity for customers, difference between budget andperformance and trade-off between limited resources.


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