  • 學位論文


Shortcut Design of Divided Wall Columns and Optimization Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


此篇論文探討的主要是利用MATLAB程式語言與化工程序模擬程式Aspen Plus的結合應用來最適化隔牆塔系統。自動化伺服器提供MATLAB和Aspen Plus之間的溝通橋樑,使原本得手動操作調整Aspen Plus參數的最適化程序得以加速,讓最適化程序能在極短時間內能完成。另外,本篇嵌入模擬退火法(SAA)來作為程式語言端最佳化程序的框架。模擬退火法有別於傳統最適化的方法。此法不須模擬各種可能組合來尋找最適化解,而是利用概率性的接受新狀態的特性,達到跳脫區域及小值來尋找最小值。 隔牆塔(DWC)是一種用來分離多成分混合物的系統。有別於一般塔序列分離,隔牆塔可達到節省能源以及設備成本的特性。但由於隔牆塔的設計實不容易,在重建前人研究過程發現無法達到理想狀態。故本篇利用自動化伺服器介面可以連接程式語言以及模擬系統的特性,利用Aspen Plus內真實參數系統建構的模型來代替傳統經驗式來估計蒸餾塔內氣液流量。此方法套用在乙醇/丙醇/正丁醇系統以及苯/甲苯/乙苯系統,皆可以完整估計出隔牆塔的設計參數。最後,此研究利用模擬退火法來最適化上述隔牆塔的兩個系統。


Divided wall columns (DWCs) are complicated systems for separating multicomponent mixtures. The design of DWCs is more difficult than traditional distillation columns because there are many degrees of freedom. Previous methods developed for designing DWC based on empirical equations do not always work well. Therefore, a new shortcut design method is developed. Aspen Plus simulation and Window-based interface for connecting Aspen Plus and Matlab are used to calculate a preliminary design of DWCs. After that, a stochastic optimization method, a simulated annealing algorithm, is utilized to optimize the system. This algorithm has the characteristic of being a probabilistic technique that can slowly decrease of the probability of accepting worse solution and search for the global optimum solution. This method is applied to optimization problems of two DWC systems and the three types of DWC systems are compared to find which of it is the most economical process.


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