  • 學位論文


Development Strategy of Regulation Compliance Service for Overseas Branches of Banks

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


因應全球化的浪潮,金融業在拓展海外市場之行動已經付諸實行多年;而如此快速的擴張海外據點,各家銀行是否可順應各地區不同之法規遵循及風險控管規範是各銀行需面對的重大挑戰。以2016年兆豐銀行紐約分行因違反美國紐約州的洗錢防制法申報規定而被重罰1.8億美元的個案來看,金融業在海外設立分支機構的法令遵循落實與否,將衝擊海外分行的正常經營,銀 行不可不慎。如何在業務拓展下,將合規及風險控制納入海外經營策略之中,符合海外分支機構當地的金融法令遵循,已經成為海外分行經營與競爭發展策略的重點。 近年來監管科技蓬勃發展,各種新的技術應用不斷推陳出新,再加上金融業對監管合規思維的改變,資訊服務業也應調整過往僅著重於終端使用者合規申報產出的系統設計模式,進一步依照各類型監管內容、分析管控策略提供整體化的監管報表平台,以利各海外分行面對各國不同之監管政策時的有一致性的處理流程,提升作業的透明度及時效性,有效降低人工錯誤發生率及合規成本。


Financial industry has expanded overseas for years to cope with globalization, and with rapid expansion, whether banks could comply with regional regulations and ensure risk management has been planned and set up effectively is a major challenge. In 2016, Taiwan's Mega Bank New York Brnach has been fined US$180 million for non compliance with the Money Laundering Prevention Act according to statement by the US Federal Reserve Board. Achieving Operational efficiency while acting in compliance with all applicable laws, the overseas branches can not be careless. The regulation technology has flourished in recent years, various new applications have been continuously updated as well as changed the regulatory compliance thinking in financial industry. The information service industry should focus on a high performance regulatory reporting framework instead of the system toward end user compliance outputs. The regulatory reporting platform provides a tailored processing consistent with different supervision policies in various countries, therefore, it help overseas branches improve transparency and operation efficiency to reduce the incidence of human error and compliance costs.


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