  • 學位論文


A Study of Lateral Collapse Displacement of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall

指導教授 : 黃世建


臺灣位於環太平洋地震帶上,地震發生頻繁,而且由於人口稠密,集合住宅甚多,若地震造成建築物倒塌時,其所受影響之人口眾多。而住宅建築為顧及生活性及私密性等需求,經常在建築內部增設各種用途的牆體,且為配合採光需求,在住宅外部亦有大量開門或開窗部分,這些牆體具有極高之側向勁度與強度;由過去震損照片可以發現,部分建築雖然歪斜,但並未直接倒塌破壞,其原因為該建築內部有大量剪力牆扶持,藉此提高建築物側向位移能力。因此,剪力牆能夠歸類為結構物抗倒塌破壞之關鍵構材,若是了解其側力位移行為,能夠使結構分析更加貼近建築真實反應,以準備更完善的防範策略。 為了發展完整之剪力牆側力位移曲線模型,本研究延續先前對未開孔及開孔牆之研究。針對未開孔牆部分,嘗試蒐集更多剪力牆實驗文獻,並採用不同於過去以強度點分析值模擬倒塌位移之方式,改以強度點實驗值模擬倒塌位移之方法,以此來降低分析時的誤差;針對開孔牆部分,本研究提出將剪力變形、撓曲變形及滑移變形分開評估之方式,並且初步探討開孔牆側向倒塌行為。


Located in Circum-Pacific seismic zone, Taiwan has experienced lots of earthquakes. Due to the high density of population, it will cause a terrible impact if a large earthquake occurs. Huge amounts of reinforced concrete wall were used in residential building in Taiwan to fulfill the high demand of serviceability and privacy. Additionally, in conformity with the needs of lights, there were lots of door-opened or window-opened on the exterior wall of the buildings. Those walls have high lateral stiffness and strength. Also, from the photos of earthquake damage in the past, we can find out that some of the buildings were not failed to collapse despite they were slant. The reason is there were abundant amount of shear walls producing lateral resistance in the buildings. They can improve the ability of lateral resistance of the buildings. Therefore, shear wall can be considered as the key member against collapse of a structure. To make the structural analysis closer to the real reaction of the structure, understanding the lateral load-displacement behavior of shear wall is necessary. In order to investigate the completed lateral load-displacement model of shear wall, this research extends the study of the shear walls with and without openings. For wall without opening, besides collecting more experimental data on the collapse test of shear wall, so as to prevent error of analytical collapse displacement, the regression of the collapse displacement parameter is changed to fit the relationship between the test value of strength point and collapse point. On the other hand, for wall with opening, the proposed model mentions a concept that separating the evaluation of shear, flexure and slip displacement, then investigate the lateral collapse behavior of shear wall with opening.


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