  • 學位論文


Infrastructure-Mediated Community Reconstruction: A Case Study of Local Governance in Houtong

指導教授 : 徐進鈺


新北市猴硐早期因開採煤礦發跡,戰後形塑出特殊的公司市鎮聚落型態,其特徵一方面呈現在由生產以及再生產兩類基礎設施共構的物質環境上,另一方面則反映於高度倚賴單一企業投資的社會結構之中。在歷經去工業化後,2000年代的猴硐轉向觀光取向的後工業產業,並且以基礎設施為媒介促成現今獨特的「雙重社區主體」:一是藉由打造「人貓共處」的物質環境,創造「貓村」新地方觀光特色;另外則是透過活化遺留的工業設施,用以延續礦業文化以及「礦村」的聚落型態。本研究以文獻分析與田野調查為方法,針對猴硐1980年代至今日的社會空間再結構過程,進行地方政治及社區發展變遷的分析。本文奠基在地理學的地域性研究之上,並將基礎設施的時間與政治性質置於核心關懷,企圖揭示物質空間在地方發展與社區營造之中發揮的能動性。不僅如此,基礎設施更物質化與再現社區主體雙重性的衝突與折衝。 研究發現,戰後猴硐的社區物質環境與日常生活受煤礦業者直接恩庇,因此在去工業化背景下,社會關係連同產業結構一併進行重新配置,治理政權也從原先的本地資本家過渡到地方政府。在國家推動社區觀光的背景下,礦業襲產觀光與貓村創意產業應運而生,然而前者在政府對硬體設施投入資金不對等的情況下受邊緣化,因此促成礦工社群在2019年設立地方文史館,推動新一波社區主體建構運動。礦工社群以礦業設施的物質性以及象徵意義做為媒介,並採取三種主體化模式:第一,透過地圖再現與勞動記憶展演,將礦村想像領域化;第二,以負面基礎設施論述,反向凝聚社群重新參與的能量;最後,透過將官方博物園區他者化的權力過程,對外體現主體我群的統一性。進而,本文更針對猴硐現今存有「貓村」與「礦村」的主體雙重性提出,事實上兩者間的人際網絡相互交集而非分割對立,應將其提升至地方「發展意志」與「文化認同」間的矛盾關係進行釐清,會發現因為地方行動者對所謂「社區」的差異化想像,從而形構出並置的發展路徑與雙重主體。


Houtong, New Taipei City, a region once prospered from coal extraction, formed a particular company town pattern in post-war Taiwan. A company town is any community whose built environments were composed of the infrastructures of production and social reproduction, and social structure was highly dependent on a single enterprise. After two decades of deindustrialization, in the early 2000s, Houtong turned to promote the tourism industry. At this stage, infrastructure served as a medium of subjectivity and constructed the unique “double subject identities.” One is to build a new tourist attraction of the “Cat Village” by creating cats and people coexisting living environment, and the other is to preserve the mining culture and the settlement pattern of the “mining village” by a revitalization of industrial facilities. This thesis adopts archival research and field study as research approaches to examine the process of socio-spatial restructuring and the changes in local politics in Houtong from the 1980s till now. Through the lens of locality studies in geography and putting the temporality and politics of infrastructure as the core concerns, my research attempts to reveal the potential agency of these facilities can nevertheless be dominant in community development. Related to this, I also seek to explain the ability of infrastructures to materialize and represent conflicts on double subject identities. This research shows that the locally based entrepreneur patronized a total infrastructure for the community in Houtong after World War II. Therefore, in the context of deindustrialization, social networks reconfigured along with the industrial structure, and the local state replaced the role of the former capitalist firm involved in local governance. Under the state’s promotion of community empowerment and tourism development, industrial heritage and cat tourism had emerged. However, with the unequal government infrastructural investment, the latter boomed while marginalizing the former. In 2019, the local ex-miners set up a culture and history exhibition to start a new wave of movement for community identity. I argue that through the medium of the material and symbolic dimensions of infrastructure, the ex-miners relied on three modes of subject formation: first, employing the mapping practices and the memories of labor experience, it displayed the imaginary territory of the mining village; second, immersed in a mood of frustration produced by the negative discourse of infrastructure, it became the mechanism of community mobilization and re-engagement; and third, in comparison with the official museum as the Other, culture and history exhibition set up by ex-miners was defined. In the end, I suggest that the double subject identities in Houtong should be examined via the lens of contradiction between “the will to development” and “cultural identity.” This research finds that due to the differentiated imagination of “community,” people thus formulated different local development strategies and subject identities.


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