  • 期刊


Community Actions to Restructure "The Living Map": A Participatory Design of Community Park in Fu-Kin, Taipei City(1993-98)


解嚴之後,台灣在國家威權重組與都市社會運動的推動下,各種型態的自發性社區與地方組織不斷浮現,以面對居住環境品質的危機與地方文化的失落等議題,並且以生活世界中的行動來促動社會的轉變。 本文以台北市早發的社區運動案例,士林的「福林社區」(1993-98),經驗為對象,探討其「社區過程」中參與式公園設計與「社區日」的節慶式活動的形成過程,所建構的新的社區生活面貌與經驗。這些以「社區設計」為名的事件將對於「抽象空間」所支配之「空間建構」產生「抵抗」的作用。 首先,討論「福林社區」在台北都市過程中,從一個農村地景的「地方」發展成為「都市鄰里社區」的經驗。其次,分析九零年代的「社區設計」行動所生產出來「社區空間」與「社區生活」的過程;特別是有關「社區活動年曆」的建構,轉化了社區生活世界的既有的「計畫」與「路徑」。最後,藉由公園設計的空間轉變過程,看到居民透過了「社區設計」行動建構了「社區」的新經驗,同時也是新的地方認同;並且掌握環境問題與空間的想像能力。


After the disintegrations of martial law in Taiwan, organizations of various natures began to burgeon in different communities. The emergence of these organizations confronts head-on with the issues such as the deterioration of the environmental quality and the loss of vernacular culture, subsequently brings about the much anticipated social changes. In this paper I will introduce one of the earliest community movements, the Fu-lin community in Shi-lin district of Taipei (1993-1998), as a specimen for the study of these post-martial law organizations. It will observe the involvement of this particular community in the activities such as designing of the river-side park, the “Community Day Festival”, and mark the final transformation of the community. Such activity, as part of the community design is a “resistance” to the traditional spatial construction through “abstract space.” There are three areas of study, which will be thoroughly discussed in this paper: 1.The transformation of the Fu-lin community from a rural landscape to a urban neighborhood. 2.The analysis of the forming of the new community space and community living patter through community design and community activities, with an emphasis on the “Community Event Calendar.” 3.The forming of a common community experience and community space which will not only induce a new local identity, but also enable the residents to undertake challenges concerning their environment and space.


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許怡心(2015)。為什麼參與了沒感覺? 台東大竹永久屋建築文化語彙重現及部落參與之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00447
