  • 學位論文

社區參與對於都市立面再生效益之研究 -以中壢市老街溪立面整建維護為例

The evaluation of the role of the community participation in the facade regeneration -the case of the facade regeneration project in Lao-jia(Old street)Stream in Chung-Li,Taiwan

指導教授 : 喻肇青


摘要 參與式設計在近年來逐漸受到重視,不在以設計師理念為核心的設計方式,而以使用者的需求以及共同理念的實踐為設計目標,此案例為中壢市首次依照都市更新條例辦理整建維護都市更新事業計畫,透過社區參與的方式來執行,因此本研究目的在於探討政府資源上而下的進入社區執行計畫,而團隊與社區如何下而上的動員進行參與,探討之間的相互關係與影響其執行成效的差異為何,藉以提出建議與修正。 民國七十年間,中壢老街溪河面上加蓋了一座長度約一公里的兩層樓鋼筋混泥土構造物,作為商場與立體停場之用,完工後因產權等諸多問題而無照營業廿餘年,連帶拖累河岸兩側住宅區,成為都市窳陋地區而幾被人群遺忘。為改善此問題,民國一百年桃園縣政府展現魄力拆除河面加蓋物,試圖恢復市區原有都市紋理。進而委託中原大學景觀系規劃團隊進行「老街溪兩側水岸視覺景觀改善工程規劃設計計畫」,以社區參與之設計方式實踐都市建築立面改造;以由下而上之參與式設計做為主軸,透過規劃團隊作為平台促成民眾與政府之合作關係。 本研究之目的在以「老街溪兩側水岸視覺景觀改善計畫」一案為例,探討民眾參與式設計在都市立面再生過程中所扮演的角色、探討設計結果之實際成就因素、評估社區主體性的重要程度、討論參與式設計中設計責任歸屬之議題。 研究之方法乃以社區作主體,首先透過文獻蒐集、訪談,調查促成社區參與改善計畫之因素與條件,接著調查社區參與之立面改造設計過程、了解居民對未來社區景觀及自家住屋外觀之願景。繼而透過觀察並記錄社區、縣府與規劃團隊三方對設計決策形成之角色區別與互動關係,並分析如此之互動與最終所呈現設計結果之關係。 研究結果發現,立面整建計畫之成效與下列數點因素有密切關係,民眾自發參與的執行策略、地方政府政策補助與限制條件之態度、設計決策方式是否能反應參與式設計之精神等。這些結論可以作為爾後政府或民間推動都市立面更新之參考。 【中文關鍵字】參與式設計、建築立面再生、駐地工作站


Abstract Recently, user participation had become a major design concept for Taiwan's townscape design. Several major cities via various funding, planning and local regulations are trying to improve old facades built- up areas or specified areas individually. To maintain the townscape for a city had become a major task for the local government nowadays. In order to improve and achieve the task, it is important to consider local people's vision, local characteristics, and townscape's morphological elements as a sensitive concern. In 1981, local government of Chung Li town designed a two floors reinforced concrete building for shopping plaza and three-dimensional parking space, yet due to the property right issues and other concerns, the construction was never been completed. Then finished construction became a major burden for the local town scape.By using the method of collaborating the local government and the local residents, in the year of 2011, the local government had decided to deconstruct and redesign the old building in order to bring back the original characteristic of the old townscape. This paper is to evaluate and discuss the positive and the negative part of the above project. Furthermore, generating a guideline for facade lift-up policies through analyzing related projects, classifying common strategies and principles, interviewing the participants and the local residents and observing as well as understanding the local characteristic such as resources and limitation and correlation between the government, the design team and the local residents. Overall, all the above reviews and evaluations can be contributed as a references to help developing for the further projects and establish a more successful framework for facade lift-up and townscape projects in the future. Keyword: community participation、facade regeneration、Community Workshops


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